Wellington Police District

The Wellington Police District covers the southern part of the North Island.

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Its northern border stretches from Peka Peka on the Kapiti Coast, across the Hutt Valley and over the Tararua Ranges to the Wairarapa. It also includes the Chatham Islands. The district covers 813,000 ha with 500 km of coastline.

For district staffing figures please refer to the Annual Report which can be found on the Publications and Statistics page.

Wellington District news

See the latest news from Wellington District.

Social media


Find a police station in Wellington district

For all media enquiries please contactPolice Media Team

Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPTs)

These teams aim to reduce crime, prevent victimisation, improve perceptions of safety and increase trust and confidence in Police. Their efforts are concentrated in their identified priority neighbourhoods.

Find out more about Neighbourhood Policing Teams, or contact your local Police station to find out if there is a local NPT in your area.

Commanders and headquarters

District Commander: Superintendent Corrie Parnell
District Headquarters: Cnr Victoria and Harris Streets, Wellington

Area commanders and headquarters

Wellington City area

Commander: Inspector Dean Silvester
Headquarters: Wellington Central Police Station
P 105

Kāpiti Mana area

Commander: Inspector Renée Perkins
Headquarters: Porirua Police Station
P 105

Hutt Valley area

Commander: Inspector Wade Jennings
Headquarters: Lower Hutt and Upper Hutt Police Stations
P 105

Wairarapa area

Commander: Inspector Eddie Sutherland (relieving)
Headquarters: Masterton Police Station
P 105

More information

Wellington Police Maritime Unit

The Wellington Maritime Unit provides a 24-hour response for search and rescue operations and protection from water-based dangers and crime. From the the Old Ferry Building on the Service Jetty, the unit deploys the 18.5 m catamaran launch Lady Elizabeth IV and a 4.6 m inflatable. The operational area for the unit is a 90 nautical miles radius from the entrance of Wellington Harbour. This encompasses the Marlborough Sounds, Wairarapa coast, Kapiti Coast, Tasman Bay, Whanganui, Castle Point and Kaikoura. However, most of the tasks are within Wellington Harbour and Cook Strait.

Wellington District Search and Rescue

Police Search and Rescue (SAR) squads are based in Wellington and Masterton. They provide a response to both land and marine SAR incidents including:

  • land searches
  • subterranean searches (for missing cavers)
  • river, lake and inland waterway searches
  • close-to-shore marine searches - usually within New Zealand territorial waters (12 nautical miles)
  • high-angle rescues.

Squads are made up of Police members from throughout the District. They are trained in the specialist SAR skills needed to manage any incident. SAR managers in Wellington and Masterton administer and supervise SAR. In the event of a search and rescue incident, a Police SAR squad member is appointed as Incident Controller to manage the operation. Locally we work with volunteer organisations including New Zealand Land Search and Rescue, Coastguard New Zealand and Amateur Radio Emergency Corps to provide SAR services. Police SAR squad members provide Civil Defence assistance during declared emergencies and scene guarding/scene examination in remote locations.