Check if a vehicle is stolen
Use this tool to check if a vehicle has been reported as stolen and on our database of stolen vehicles. The data is refreshed hourly.
Limitations of the stolen vehicles data
The data is a snapshot at a point in time and does not include vehicles that are:
- stolen, but not reported to us
- stolen and reported, but we haven't yet updated the database
- stolen and reported, but now recovered by their owners
- not registered with NZTA for use in New Zealand
Stolen vehicle data does not include lost or stolen registration plates.
Download List
Note, the download is a zip file of data in CSV (comma separated values) format suitable for a spreadsheet application. If your device is a phone or tablet that does not handle .zip files, it may not be able to download this data.
Persons reporting stolen vehicles
Note that when you report a vehicle as stolen to Police its details will be published on this and on other publicly available registers.
To make a police report: