Counties Manukau Police District serves a population of about 524,000 from Franklin in the south (bordering Waikato Police District) to Otahuhu in the west (bordering Auckland City Police District).
The Counties Manukau District population is made up of many diverse ethnicities.
For district staffing figures please refer to the Annual Report which can be found on the Publications and Statistics page.
For general enquiries
Call the Counties Manukau Station on (09) 261 1300
For general inquiries or to report a non urgent crime:
Call the Counties Manukau Police Station on 09 261 1300
To speak to a Custody Officer:
Call 09 261 1319
To speak to someone about your case:
Call 09 263 2369
To find out if your car has been impounded or towed:
Call 09 261 1300
To speak to someone in Prosecutions:
Call 09 263 2739
To speak to a Firearms Officer:
Call 09 263 2301
For all media enquiries please contact: Police Media Team
Find a police station in Counties Manukau district
Counties Manukau District news
See Police news from Counties Manukau District.
Social media
Counties Manukau Police Facebook page
Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPTs)
Neighbourhood Policing Teams aim to reduce crime, prevent victimisation, improve perceptions of safety and increase trust and confidence in Police. Their efforts are concentrated in their identified priority neighbourhoods.
Find out more about Neighbourhood Policing Teams, or contact your local Police station to find out if there is a local NPT in your area.
Commanders and headquarters
District Commander: Superintendent Shanan Gray
District Headquarters: 42 Manukau Station Road, Manukau City
Area commanders and headquarters
Counties Manukau west area
(Otahuhu, Mangere)
Commander: Inspector David Christoffersen
Headquarters: Otahuhu Police Station
P 105
Counties Manukau east area
(Howick, Otara, Beachlands)
Commander: Inspector Rod Honan
Headquarters: Eastern Police Station
P 105
Counties Manukau central area
(Manurewa, Clendon, Manukau City)
Commander: Inspector Adam Pyne
Headquarters: Manurewa Police Station
P 105
Counties Manukau south area
Commander: Inspector Jared Pirret (relieving)
Headquarters: Papakura Central Police Station
P 105
Auckland Airport area
Area Manager, Response: Senior Sergeant Tony Curry
Headquarters: Auckland Airport Police Station
P 105
More information
Aspects of the population in the Counties Manukau Police District contribute to some special policing needs.
- Counties Manukau District has more than 200 schools with over 102,000 students. About 41 percent of these students attend decile 1 and 2 schools.
- The District has a projected population that is growing faster than other major cities in New Zealand. By 2026 it is anticipated that the population will have increased by 49 percent and the Auckland City Council Plan distinguishes areas in Papakura and Pukekohe as places for large housing developments within the next few years.
- Counties Manukau District has a unique population in comparison to New Zealand's other major cities. The District has a very high percentage of youth and is home to a multitude of ethnicities that require a police service provision that meets the specific needs of these groups. The District also services New Zealand's busiest international airport and Middlemore Hospital, one of Auckland's largest and busiest medical facilities. High density housing alongside sprawling rural properties create significantly different policing areas within the Counties Manukau District.
Major Crime Team
The Counties Manukau District Major Crime Team (MCT) is a dedicated team which can provide a ready response either in support of an existing operation or by launching a team into a fresh operation. The MCT can mobilise at short notice. MCT does not have the capacity to lead or support every district-wide homicide or operation involving serial offending, so is deployed based upon:
- the likely ease of solvability
- case seriousness or complexity
- whether or not the case is fresh, stale or cold
- the estimated duration of the investigation
- public interest
- the need for independence, sensitivity, security or specialist capability
- the non-availability of other generalist or functional investigators.
MCT involvement can result in:
- the effective management of crime scenes
- planning an investigation, including assessment of staffing requirements
- conducting interviews with victims/complainants, witnesses and suspects/offenders
- conducting and contributing to briefings and debriefs
- responding to victims' needs
- limited or reduced withdrawal of key personnel from other work groups.
Child Exploitation Team
The Child Exploitation Team enables Police to be more proactive in preventing offending. The team has implemented prevention initiatives in the traditionally reactive field of child sexual abuse investigation. These have protected vulnerable children from becoming victims of child abuse and held child sex offenders to account for their offending. The team has improved our response and investigation into child sex offending in the following ways:
- more effective monitoring of known child sex offenders and creation of offender management plans for high risk offenders
- policing of known public sex locations
- intelligence collection and dissemination
- working collaboratively with other government and non-government agencies
- monitoring of child prostitution
- interception of child sex offenders attempting to 'groom' children online.
Multi-Agency Centre
The Counties Manukau multi-agency centre is a joint initiative between Counties Manukau Police, Oranga Tamariki–Ministry for Children, and the Counties Manukau District Health Board.
The building is located at 627 Great South Road, Manukau and is specifically designed to be victim-focussed and enables the three statutory agencies to work together to provide an excellent, co-ordinated service to the victims of abuse. It also provides a vital link back to the numerous community groups who are committed to providing ongoing support to the victims and their families.
The Counties Manukau Multi-agency Centre investigates all serious abuse of children, sexual assault against adults and assesses and co-ordinates the need for intervention with the families of these victims to assist with the empowerment of the family unit throughout the investigative process. The Centre also provides intelligence information and co-ordinates the District response to family violence.