Technology is rapidly evolving and emergent technologies have an important part to play in modern policing.
Police staff increasingly use new technology in day-to-day work, such as CCTV and Automatic Number Plate Recognition on some cars. Technology is essential to our business, it enables us to police more effectively and efficiently, and supports innovation in our work.
Generative AI such as ChatGPT and other large language model and image generation AI technologies are not currently approved for general use by Police. We are in the early stages of exploring genAI to understand its potential benefits and challenges.
While innovation is critical to delivering the police service people deserve and expect, Police is committed to ensuring we first understand and assess potential technology and its implications before testing or adopting it.
It is our duty to ensure that privacy, ethical, and human rights implications have been taken into account before decisions are made to pilot or introduce new technology capabilities. We police with the consent of our communities and it is vital they have trust and confidence in the way we police.
Using emergent technologies
To ensure appropriate consideration ahead of the trial or use of new technology capabilities, a policy was developed for Police proposals to test or trial use of emergent technologies. This also applies in situations where extra functionality is being added to an existing technology. The Technology Assurance team supports the evaluation of risks and ensures standards are upheld when new technology uses are proposed.
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