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The statistics reported in the attached documents come from the NZ Police Professional Conduct database (IAPro). These official statistics relate to reported incidents received and refer to calendar years.
These statistics will be updated quarterly (four times per year) showing the year-to date (YTD) position.
The statistics show the number of incidents that were reported in the quarters shown, regardless of when the incident actually occurred (e.g. an incident that occurred in December 2017 may not be formally reported until January 2018).
The statistics also show the number of NZ Police employees involved in the incidents (that is those that have had allegations made against them), and the number of allegations that have been made.
The statistics include incidents that have been resolved (completed), and those that are yet to be resolved (ongoing).
The statistics are in some cases divided into the 12 Police Districts of the New Zealand Police structure. In addition there are NZ Police groups (generally referred to as ‘Service Centres’) that do not come under a particular District, but are general to the organisation as a whole.
The statistics may be further grouped by:
- The type of employee
- The type of allegation
- Combinations of the above
It is important to keep in mind that the figures are centred on incidents, involved employees and allegations, and that one incident may involve several employees and more than one allegation per employee.
Because an incident can involve several employees facing several allegations, which may be from several different types of conduct or actions, the figures shown cannot always be reconciled exactly.
It is also important to keep in mind that ‘allegation’ refers to perceived actions and behaviours, and not substantiated or proven actions or behaviours.
It is only when an investigation into an incident has been concluded that a determination is made as to whether it will be upheld, and what actions might be taken to resolve a complaint.
For external complaints, in the majority of cases a conclusion will be reached through common understanding and mutual agreement between the complainant and Police.
When upheld, the actions taken are mostly aimed at performance improvement and expectation setting rather than reaching a finding of misconduct with high level sanctions. However where behaviour breaches criminal law or the Code of Conduct to a serious enough degree, a disciplinary process with appropriate sanctions will be applied.
Professional conduct statistics documents
Incidents/Employees/Allegation Types (Grouped by District)
This table shows the number of incidents that have occurred in each District, the number of involved employees (that is those who have allegations made against then), the number of allegations made (against employees or the organisation), and the types of allegation that are being made.
National Top 5 Allegations (Grouped by Type)
The most common allegations that are in each type, as the 'Top 5' (calculated by the number of times that allegation is used nationally).
Total Incidents Reported per Month (Grouped by District)
This shows the number of incidents reported each month grouped into the District where the incident occurred. There is also a YTD figure for each month.
Total Involved Staff Reported per Month (Grouped by District)
This shows the number of staff involved in the incidents reported each month grouped into the District where the incident occurred. Involved employees are those who have had an allegation made against them. There is also a YTD figure for each month.
National Top 10 Allegations (For Each Month and YTD)
The most common allegations overall, as the ‘Top 10’ (calculated by the number of times that allegation is used nationally).
Total Incidents Received for the Last 5 Calendar Years
This shows the number of incidents for each year over the last 5 calendar years, as well as a percentage difference from year to year.