For our latest safety information, see the Be Safe, Feel Safe booklet below.
- Safety information from New Zealand Police (PDF 818KB)
Drugs and alcohol are significant contributors to social harm in our communities.
If you are having problems with drugs or alcohol, or know someone who is having problems, there are people who can help.
Advice and help
- Addiction Treatment Directory
The Addiction Treatment Directory website contains a comprehensive and up-to-date directory of all the addiction treatment and advice services available in New Zealand.
Visit the website of Addiction Treatment Directory.
- Alcohol Drug Helpline
The Alcohol Drug Helpline offers you free confidential information and support on any problem, issue or query you have about your own or someone else’s drinking or drug taking.
Phone 0800 787 797
- Health Promotion Agency
The Health Promotion Agency (HPA) is a Crown entity that, as part of its functions, provides information, advice, research and resources to help prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm.
This includes printed resources and online information and advice for the general public, health and social services, alcohol regulatory agencies, and the alcohol and hospitality sectors.
Visit HPA's website.
- New Zealand Drug Foundation
The New Zealand Drug Foundation provides information and analysis on key drug issues, including legal and illegal drugs. The Drug Foundation's website provides information on alcohol and other drugs, including effects of their use. The website also provides resources for teachers, schools, health promoters, researchers and anyone else with an interest in drug policy matters.
Visit the New Zealand Drug Foundation website.
- New Zealand Needle Exchange Programme
For information about needle exchange programmes for adults around NZ visit the New Zealand Needle Exchange Programme website.
NZ Police contacts
If you have concerns about drug and alcohol use in your community, Police has a range of specialist officers who can help with advice and education.
- Alcohol Harm Prevention Officers
Specialist staff located within each district to prevent harm through the monitoring of licences and by preventing alcohol-related harm.
- School Community Officers
School Community Officers work within schools to promote drug awareness and education. They also provide advice to concerned teachers, parents and principals.
- Youth Aid Officers
These officers traditionally work on a case-by-case basis with youth offenders. Youth Aid Officers conduct disciplinary meetings and family conferences. They also look at alternative means of disciplinary action, such as restorative justice.
- Iwi/Pacific/Asian Liaison Officers
These officers can put you in contact with resources that are available within your iwi, Pacific or Asian community.
Speak (in confidence) to one of these officers to raise your concerns or discuss an issue.
- Contact your local police station.