Brett Fraser - 2014
Brett Fraser - 2014
Brett was a 51-year-old
father and proud ‘Westie’.
51-year-old father Brett Fraser was killed on Tuesday the 21st of October 2014 in the West Auckland home he shared with his flatmate. The pair had been friends for two decades and lived in a converted apartment within a warehouse on Westech Place in Glen Eden.
At about 9:00pm Brett, known as ‘Fraser’ to his friends, was getting ready to watch his favourite television programme while his flatmate was upstairs talking on the phone and sorting through some cannabis that he had recently grown.
The flatmate told police that both he and Brett were assaulted by intruders who took some minor items from his bedroom, including containers of cannabis, then left the property. The flatmate was bleeding badly from significant injuries while Brett appeared to be unconscious but uninjured. The flatmate first called a taxi to go to hospital however, once he realised Brett was non-responsive, he called 111 and administered CPR until first responders arrived and took over. Sadly, despite everyone’s best efforts, Brett died at the scene.
Brett’s flatmate was bleeding badly from serious injuries.
An extensive investigation was conducted at the time, police followed up numerous leads into possible suspects and motives, made media appeals, analysed CCTV and in 2015, a $50,000 reward for information was announced.
Police launched a homicide enquiry on the 21st of October 2014.
10 years on, no one has been held accountable for Brett’s death and causing the injuries to his flatmate.
Brett was killed in the warehouse home he shared with his flatmate on Westech Place, Glen Eden, West Auckland.
One early lead still remains crucial for the investigators. A witness saw two men walking toward Westech Place from the alleyway running off Brandon Road at about 9pm on the 21st. Both men were thought to be aged in their 20’s of Māori or Pacifica descent wearing ‘Dickie’ type shorts and short sleeves. The taller of the two had facial hair and was carrying a black and white shopping bag.
Police have not been able to identify or speak to these men.
Police are still appealing for help to identify the two men seen by a witness.
Do you know who these men are? Could they have seen something that night that might help with the investigation?
Forensic analysis revealed bloody shoe impressions made at the critical time of the incident by someone foreign to the scene indicating that at least one other person was in the warehouse after Brett and his flatmate were assaulted.
Forensic analysis revealed shoe impressions left in the flatmate’s blood at the scene.
Who was this person?
Why was the warehouse targeted that night?
If robbery was the motive then why were numerous valuable items left behind at the scene?
What caused the injuries to the flatmate and where did that weapon go?
Have you heard rumours or conversations about the case and not spoken to police?
Now is the time to come forward and help give Brett’s family some answers.
Brett in his younger years.
Police have announced a new reward of $100,000 for material information or evidence which leads to the identity and conviction of any person, or persons, responsible for Brett’s death.
Reward notice
If you can help, call 0800 COLD CASE (0800 2653 2273) or email the Police Cold Case investigation team.
The Cold Case episode can be watched in full on tvnz+