Thursday, 18 July 2024 - 12:21pm |

Christchurch Community Beat Teams hit ground running

2 min read

New Police boots have hit the ground running in Christchurch, with the launch of the new Community Beat Teams in the city this month.

Extra police staff have taken to the streets from 1 July, as Police look to boost their visibility and presence in public spaces, allowing them to be responsive to events and areas in the city that have caused concern.

The team has seen some excellent results already, including apprehending two prolific shoplifters and recovering stolen property worth more than $1000, arresting a person trying to sell stolen goods, and removing 12 truant youths from a dangerous derelict building.

A roster of 10 officers will be patrolling city areas of demand during certain times of the day and night. Over coming months this roster will increase.

Superintendent Lane Todd, Christchurch Metro Commander, says seeing that blue shirt out and about helps people be safe and feel safe.  

“We know that one of the greatest things we can do to improve peoples’ sense of wellbeing, and their trust and confidence in Police, is to be in places where we’re seen,” he says.

The Beat Teams will be deploying to areas and at times when we know there is increased demand. This includes the central city, large malls across the city, large suburban retail areas, and bus hubs. Should incidents occur that need more support, other available staff and/or specialist groups will be available to assist.

However, in order to keep deploying to the right areas, we need community buy-in, and remind people to keep contacting Police to report crime and anti-social behaviour.

“We rely heavily on our community to let us know when and where things are happening, so we know where to put our people,” says Superintendent Todd.

“Our regular deployment model, and most certainly where our Beat Teams will patrol, will be heavily influenced by information we have, and continue to receive, from the public about areas of demand.”

The Beat Teams will be working closely alongside existing Community Patrols, Christchurch City Council, Business Canterbury and retailers.

“By working together with existing partners, we can be of most benefit to local people and organisations who already have a stake in keeping our city safe,” he says.

Christchurch is building towards having a team of 18 officers and providing seven-day coverage over the next few months.


Issued by Police Media Centre.