Children's Flexi Fund - case studies

It was determined as part of feedback received via email, previous Question and Answer Sessions and the Process Evaluation completed in 2021 that Case Studies and/or examples would be helpful to ascertain how the Children's Flexi Fund can be utilised. This section is designed to assist this process.

Case Study 1




Rangatahi Witness to Serious Family Violence




Non Government Organisation Family Harm Social Worker


Whānau Consent




Why Application Made


Rangatahi cannot process emotions and is in emotional distress.


Service Provided


Equine Therapy Session


Reasoning for Service
ie, impact on longer-term wellbeing: 


NGO applicant stated that this Rangatahi loves horses and the only time that they had seen this recipient happy was when discussing horses. Addressing this mental and emotional distress will assist this Rangatahi with trauma and behaviour leading to better outcomes.



Case Study 2




Victim of Serious Family Violence and Sexual Assault




Non Governmental Organisation Director


Whānau Consent




Why Application Made


Financial strain on father who is now the primary caregiver to his child. Rangatahi has moved further away from school due to being placed in the father’s care. The father is struggling financially and cannot afford to pay for his child to attend the usual school from so far away.


Service Provided


Bus tickets to enable the Rangatahi to attend usual school.


Reasoning for Service
ie, impact on longer-term wellbeing: 


Given the trauma that this Rangatahi has experienced, it was important to ensure that the supports and systems in place were maintained for this Rangatahi despite moving further away from the school. The school support and consistency is crucial to ensuring the longer term wellbeing for this Rangatahi.



Case Study 3




Rangatahi Witness to Family Harm within Whānau




Youth Aid Constable


Whānau Consent




Why Application Made


Rangatahi is behind in school by approximately 2 years. Recently enrolled back in school and a tutor sought to help child catch up with education.


Service Provided


One to One Tutor


Reasoning for Service
ie, impact on longer-term wellbeing: 


Integral time for this Rangatahi prior to them going to high-school to catch up on learning. Intention is to expose Rangatahi to as many positive role-models as possible to assist their development.



Case Study 4




10 Children within one Whānau, one parent has active bail conditions not to associate with the children. 




Supported Resolutions Team, New Zealand Police


Whānau Consent




Why Application Made


Family of 10 children, urgently needed a washing machine.


Service Provided


Purchase of a washing machine.


Reasoning for Service
ie, impact on longer-term wellbeing: 


Prior to the application, parent was required to use laundromat at great expense to try and keep up with the washing. It is important for the tamariki to have clean clothes and maintain hygiene. This has an impact on the wellbeing of the tamariki over a long period of time. Due to COVID-19 levels, there was no other way to fund this application at the time.



Case Study 5




Tamariki exposed to family harm. Also recently lost another close family member.






Whānau Consent




Why Application Made


For tamariki to attend school camp following the death of a close family member.


Service Provided


School Camp – fees and petrol vouchers for school.


Reasoning for Service
ie, impact on longer-term wellbeing: 


Attending school camp was to ensure normalcy for this tamariki following exposure to previous family harm and the death of a family member. Attendance at school camp was designed to ensure consistency and help assist in dealing with trauma.



Case Study 6




Victim of Family Harm, living independently




Youth Aid Constable


Whānau Consent


Independent Youth


Why Application Made


School Camp attendance


Service Provided


Camp Fees


Reasoning for Service
ie, impact on longer-term wellbeing: 


Rangatahi on independent youth benefit which is for specific purposes and in this case, did not cover school camp. It was important for this Rangatahi to be able to attend camp and continue to develop leadership skills.



Case Study 7




Young tamariki, exposed to family harm and damage to property




Team Leader, Non Government Organisation


Whānau Consent




Why Application Made


Damage to house causing reminders and trauma to tamariki about the abuse they had suffered.


Service Provided


Home repairs


Reasoning for Service
ie, impact on longer-term wellbeing: 


Whānau was engaging with support for the first time. Application was made to support the children to move on from the family harm they had suffered and ensure they felt supported and able to seek help in the future.



Case Study 8




Tamariki exposed to family harm




Social Worker, Non Governmental Organisation


Whānau Consent




Why Application Made


Tamariki believe that they are being stalked and are traumatised from family harm.


Service Provided


Art Therapy


Reasoning for Service
ie, impact on longer-term wellbeing: 


To assist tamariki to overcome trauma and assist in helping adverse behaviours which this tamariki has exhibited.