Please attribute to Police Commissioner Andrew Coster:
New Zealand Police continue to thank the vast majority of our community for doing the right thing under Alert Level 4 restrictions despite a few incidents over the weekend that are concerning.
Since Alert Level 4 came into place, 23 people have been charged with a total of 27 offences nationwide as at 5pm yesterday. These arrests are primarily the result of protest activity.
Of the 27 charges filed, 14 are for Failing to Comply with Order (COVID-19), 11 for Failure to Comply with Direction/Prohibition/Restriction and 2 for Health Act Breaches.
In the same time period, 65 people were issued with formal warnings.
22 of the formal warnings were for Failing to Comply with Order (COVID-19), 16 for Failure to Comply with Direction/Prohibition/Restriction and 27 for Health Act Breaches.
Supermarkets as well as COVID testing and vaccination sites remain high demand locations for reassurance patrols.
Police have received a total of 4487 105-online breach notifications. 2550 were about a gathering, 1542 were about a business, and 395 were about a person.
In addition to the 105 Online Breach Reports, a total of 3611 Covid-19 related calls were made to the 105-phone line. The majority (71%) of calls were requests for information, and 29% were to report perceived Covid-19 breaches.
From 19 August 2021, Police began issuing infringements for COVID-19 related breaches.
As at 5pm on 21 August 2021, Police have issued 174 infringements nationwide. This is an increase of 104 infringements from the previous day. The breakdown of these total offences is as follows:
· Person failed to remain at current home / residence – 146
· Person failed to comply with applicable physical distancing rule – 13
· Person failed to wear a face covering on premises – 9
· Person failed to wear a face covering on public transport – 2
· Obstruct/Hinder Medical Officer of Health or Person Assisting Med Officer - 4
Overall, Police are encouraged to see how well people are behaving across the country but there is a small number of people who are continuing to flout the rules. Here are a few examples of issues from the across country Police have dealt with since Friday:
Police managed to prevent a planned protest at Aotea Square yesterday afternoon and around 30 people were turned away. Two women were arrested and charged; a 41-year-old, for failing to comply with a direction/prohibition/restriction (Covid-19); and a 69-year-old, for failing to comply with an order (Covid-19). Both are scheduled to appear in Auckland District Court on Monday.
In Auckland overnight, at around 3am, Waitematā Police arrested a 26-year-old man who was seen driving around and was wanted by Police in relation to an alleged burglary last week. He has been charged with receiving stolen property and obtains by deception. He also received an infringement notice for beaching the Alert Level 4 restrictions.
In Otago on Friday morning, seven men from six separate bubbles were found jet boating by a Police officer who was patrolling along the Makarora River. One of the men had travelled from Dunedin – a four-hour drive. Enforcement action will be taken against the men and this is currently being processed.
In Nelson, the behaviour has been really positive overall, but we just remind those wanting to use Tahunanui Beach to be mindful that with the number of people using it to exercise, to ensure they are physically distancing and remaining in their bubbles, and to consider wearing a face covering to keep themselves and others safe.
Police has a low tolerance for deliberate breaches of the rules and will act quickly to enforcement if required.
With the Delta strain of COVID19 being more serious than what we have previously seen it is incredibly important that people follow the rules to keep ourselves, our loved ones and the wider community safe.
Issued by the Police Media Centre