Appeal for footage

Appeal for footage


The investigations team working on Operation Sabine, the homicide investigation in Nelson following the death of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming, ask that anyone with photos or footage of the incident, to please upload it here.


Wednesday, 5 May 2021 - 4:10pm |
National News

New tech to improve brake safety

3 min read

News article photos, audio and videos (4 items)

The new technology will improve road safety and reduce the risk of serious injury as a result of a heavy vehicle brake failure.
Handheld thermal imaging devices will help assess a vehicle’s braking fitness.
The new brake safety monitoring technology will allow commercial vehicle safety teams to identify brake failures more easily.
Six new BM20200 mobile roller brake testers are being rolled out nationwide.

New mobile roller brake testers and thermal imaging devices will improve road safety and reduce the risk of a serious injury or death on our roads as a result of a heavy vehicle brake failure.

Beginning June, NZ Police commercial vehicle safety teams (CVST) will be able to identify brake failures more easily anytime, anywhere thanks to new brake safety monitoring technology.

Six new BM20200 mobile roller brake testers (MRBTs) are being rolled out nationwide to CVST as well as handheld thermal imaging devices to each CVST vehicle and each of the six weigh stations.

“We are committed to reducing the number of deaths and serious injuries on our roads,” says Superintendent Steve Greally, Director Road Policing. “By investing in new technology that helps identify possible brake failures we can prevent potential harm being caused.”

The MRBTs (also known as roller brake test machines) are equipped with the same electronics and software as the fixed inground roller brake machines that Waka Kotahi (NZ Transport Agency) will be installing in commercial vehicle safety centres (CVSC) as a part of their Weigh Right Programme.

“We have been working with Waka Kotahi to ensure the MRBTs being rolled out aligns with the fixed inground roller brake machines being installed in CVSC, enabling the same high-test standard and data processing.”

Dylan Hunt, Weigh Right Programme Manager, Waka Kotahi says “the roller brakes initiative is a fantastic piece of work by NZ Police that complements the work we are doing in the Weigh Right Programme, which is to increase compliance, improve road safety, and create a level playing field for all commercial operators.”

The MRBTs will enable roadside brake tests to be completed easily and effectively for all vehicles up to a maximum axle load of 20,000kg and can be placed on an asphalt or concrete floor, as well as on an uneven gravel ground, such as sand and dirt.

“The design is simple with strong and flexible mechanical solutions, but the main benefit is that there are no particular requirements to the testing area surface meaning we can undertake a brake test anytime, anywhere,” says Mr Greally.

The MRBT set height is only 160 mm, which ensures against bottoming out when passing with very low vehicles such as coaches and cars. Also due to the low height of the roller set, the length of the ramps is only 1.25 metres on each side, so a total setup length of only 3.5 metres.

“We are also distributing 84 handheld thermal imaging devices (TIDs), one to each CVST vehicle and one for each of the six weigh stations.”

The TIDs will help assess a vehicle’s braking fitness without the need for a physical inspection.

“A TID displays the temperature of the brake drum or disk on each wheel,” explains Mr Greally. “If the thermal image shows a drum or disk with a different temperature compared to others on the vehicle, there may be an issue with the brakes not being fully operational, which would trigger the need for a further inspection.”

A brake issue with a fully loaded truck is a significant risk, and one that must not be overlooked.

Although trucks are not involved in significantly more crashes per kilometre travelled than other vehicles, heavy vehicle crashes are more likely to be fatal (over 20 per cent of road deaths).

“By being able to identify possible brake issues we can better target our efforts towards inspecting those trucks, maximising our operating capabilities and allowing seemingly brake-safe operators to continue uninterrupted. However, the CVST can stop a vehicle for inspection anytime, anywhere.”


Issued By The Police Media Centre

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The new technology will improve road safety and reduce the risk of serious injury as a result of a heavy vehicle brake failure.
The new technology will improve road safety and reduce the risk of serious injury as a result of a heavy vehicle brake failure. JPG - 1MB
Handheld thermal imaging devices will help assess a vehicle’s braking fitness.
Handheld thermal imaging devices will help assess a vehicle’s braking fitness. JPG - 312KB
The new brake safety monitoring technology will allow commercial vehicle safety teams to identify brake failures more easily.
The new brake safety monitoring technology will allow commercial vehicle safety teams to identify brake failures more easily. JPG - 4MB
Six new BM20200 mobile roller brake testers are being rolled out nationwide.
Six new BM20200 mobile roller brake testers are being rolled out nationwide. JPG - 179KB
The new brake safety monitoring technology will allow commercial vehicle safety teams to identify brake failures more easily. JPG - 2MB