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Monday, 27 July 2020 - 10:24am

A Waggy dog story

1 min read

News article photos (3 items)

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Meet Wagg.

One of the newest members of New Zealand Police met some of the newest members of Porritt School in Napier last week - and came out of it with a new name.

The school was challenged to come up with a name for the 12-week-old police-dog-to-be. Students, office staff and parents all put potential names forward but the winning suggestion came from the youngest members of the school – the ‘Matariki’ new entrants class.

Constable Nathalie Bunn, who is fostering the puppy until he is big enough to start work, says Waggin, or Wagg, lived up to his new name as he thoroughly enjoyed getting among the youngsters at a special ceremony at the school on Friday (24 July).

"He wasn't scared of the pupils at all and they weren't scared of him either," says Nathalie. "They all had a great time together."

Napier School Community Officer Senior Constable Mark Johnson says Porritt School was honoured to be asked to come up with a name for the new recruit.

"The school has a wonderful positive spirit and students, staff and parents all got behind the challenge to come up with a name for Wagg," says Mark. "It was great to see so many there today for the official naming."

Involving schools in the naming of police puppies is a Hawke's Bay initiative, set up by Dog Section Supervisor Sergeant Bill Birrell.

"It's a great way of involving our local community in the work we do," says Bill.