Attributable to Inspector Leairne Dow, Christchurch Metro Area Prevention Manager:
Police are pleased with the smooth transition to Alert Level 2 in Christchurch.
Since the restrictions came into place at 11:59pm on Wednesday, Police in Canterbury District have conducted 43 reassurance checks at essential facilities such as supermarkets, pharmacies and petrol stations, and conducted 35 dedicated prevention patrols.
There have been no major incidents of note in relation to Alert Level 2 restrictions. Most calls to Police in relation to mass gatherings turned out to be small groups – fewer than 10 – socialising within the required restrictions.
Police staff, including our Alcohol Harm Prevention Team, have found licensed premises were working well under the updated alert level, and were pleased to see people adhering to the rules around mass gatherings. Our Aviation Security Service (AVSEC) colleagues have been supporting Police in our wider reassurance work.
Gatherings and events continue to be a high risk area for the transmission of COVID-19 — that’s why they remain limited to 10 people under Alert Level 2.
So far we’ve adjusted well, with no significant issues or cause for concern. Let’s keep it up.
What we don’t want to see this weekend, and going forward, is behaviour that could jeopardise the gains we’ve made to date and potentially take us backward.
That means we still need to be cautious, keep our distance from strangers, limit any gatherings to no more than 10 people and maintain good personal hygiene.
With more people heading into the central city, it’s also important to remember to lock your vehicles, remove any valuables and, as always, do not drink and drive.
Police will continue to take an education-first approach to potential breaches of Alert Level 2.
Issued by the Police Media Centre