As another option for handing in prohibited firearms under the Government Buy-back scheme, Police have announced a pilot for the hand-in of firearms at approved licensed Dealers – due to commence Monday, 2nd September.
The pilot, being run in the Auckland region, will see Hunting & Fishing Franklin and Gun City Penrose ready to accept prohibited firearms and parts on behalf of NZ Police.
“We’ve opened up this option to allow the firearms community to hand in their prohibited firearms and parts in a place many will feel most comfortable with – their local dealer,” says Deputy Commissioner, Mike Clement.
“I want to thank Hunting & Fishing, Gun City and the other approved dealers who have put their hand up to help NZ Police facilitate the buy-back and amnesty,” said Mike Clement.
“We do want people to be aware that going through a dealer will mean a slightly slower end-to-end process, than if they attend a collection event. Once firearms have been handed in to dealers, they will be uplifted by Police who will then contact the owners to discuss the condition of the firearms against the price list. For safety reasons, Police will be uplifting firearms from dealers on a regular basis,” says Mike Clement.
A booking system will also be in place for the Dealers pilot in Auckland which is scheduled to run for two weeks.
The Police website has all the information people need to know about handing in their firearms and parts at a dealer. Most importantly, people need to complete the online notification form before you go.
Dealers have asked that during the pilot:
- Firearms owners contact Hunting & Fishing Franklin or the Gun City Penrose website to book a time to drop in their firearms
- Bookings will be available 7 days a week, normal opening hours
- Firearm owners bring in a maximum of 3 prohibited firearms and five prohibited parts per firearm, to a dealer (only those firearms / parts listed on the price list can be accepted by a dealer during the pilot).
Police will be on site at dealers at specific times for those people that want a face-to-face assessment and processing in 10 working days (a booking is still required):
- Gun City – 10am-2pm, 4th and 9th September
- Hunting & Fishing - 10am-2pm, 3rd, 5th and 10th September
Additional approved licensed dealers will be available to accept firearms under the buy-back scheme in September, following a review of the pilot and further dealer consultation. Information about their locations and opening times for buy-back will be available on the Police website.
Issued by Police Media Centre