Please attribute to Inspector Brendon Keenan, Area Prevention.
In the good weather more people get out on their motorbikes to make the most of it.
Rotorua Police are urging all road users to take care on our roads following two fatal motorbike crashes in the last week.
The crashes are still being investigated, and it is too early to comment on how or why they occurred.
However, we are asking road users to pay attention and make safe decisions.
Every driver and rider should be in a position to react safely if someone makes a mistake in front of you.
Err on the side of caution, even when you think you have the right of way.
Being safe is more important than being right.
Motorbikes can be difficult to see, so we ask drivers to look twice at intersections and before changing lanes.
We also urge motorcyclists not to take risks.
An unsafe manoeuvre or going too fast for the conditions could have tragic consequences.
Also bear in mind you may be in a blind spot when overtaking.
We also encourage riders to look in to the Ride Forever courses that are available.
These safety training courses are run throughout New Zealand and are a great benefit to any riders at any stage of their riding experience.
Being familiar with your vehicle and knowing how to handle it properly could save your life.