Wellington Police and the Wairarapa Road Safety Council want to remind all motorists that seatbelts safe lives.
Last week checkpoints were held in the Wairarapa with a focus on seatbelts. Unbelievably, 113 people were issued infringements for not wearing their seatbelts.
Senior Sergeant Simon de Wit, Wellington Road Policing struggles to understand why people are still choosing to not wear their seatbelts.
“Almost a third of people who die on our roads are unrestrained vehicle occupants. These deaths are preventable. If they had taken the two seconds it takes to put a belt on they may still be here with their families today.”
The reality is that seatbelts save lives. Being properly restrained reduces your chance of death or serious injury in a crash by 60 percent in the front seat and 44 percent in the back seat.
“The disappointing thing is this is only a snap-shot of the attitudes towards seatbelt wearing.”
“No part of New Zealand is immune to crashes, they occur on our roads from one end of the country to the other. Anyone who chooses not to wear a seatbelt increases their risk of injury or death if they end up in a crash.
“So please, buckle up when you get in the car. Make sure you’re around for Christmas and the holidays with your loved ones.”
Issued by Police Media Centre