Sunday, 7 August 2016 - 2:55pm |

Palmerston North Police investigate armed robbery

2 min read

Police are appealing for the public's help to identify the person responsible for an armed robbery at the Albert Sports Bar, on the corner of Albert and Church Streets, Palmerston North.

The robbery took place at 2:20pm, Saturday 6 August.

A man entered the main bar area, went behind the main counter, and presented a firearm at one of the bar's employees.  

The man demanded that the bar's safe be opened, took an undisclosed amount of cash, and then demanded that the employee show him the way out the rear entrance of the bar.

From there, Police believe that the man broke into an adjoining business and left through the front door of that business.

Two employees from that business followed the man out into the car park, and on to Church Street.

The man then appears to have fallen over in the middle of Church Street. As the two employees approached the man, he threatened them with a firearm.  The man was last seen walking down Church Street towards Summerhays Street.

The bar employee was extremely distressed by this incident but was notinjured in any way.  She is now being supported by family and friends and Victim Support have been providing her with support also. 

The offender is described as European, about 6 foot tall, and of thin to medium build.  He is aged in his late 20s or early 30s. He has thick dark brown/black collar-length hair, with a receding hairline.  He was wearing a brown long-sleeve shirt and blue jeans, and was possibly wearing a paintball mask. 

Police are keen to hear from anyone who has seen someone fitting this description in the area of Church/Summerhays Streets, or Ferguson Street, yesterday afternoon.

It is possible that the offender removed his shirt while walking down Church Street, so Police are also keen to hear from anyone who saw a man fitting this description wearing a black T-shirt, or someone who appeared to be wearing clothes not appropriate for yesterday's very cold temperatures.

"The offender would have returned to his home with an unexplained amount of money, much of it in $1 and $2 coins," says Detective Sergeant Dave Thompson.  

"This is sure to attract the attention of family, friends or associates, so we're also appealing to them to get in touch with us."

“Any offence of this nature is disturbing. There were a number of patrons in the bar at the time of the robbery, along with the employees. We're very fortunate that nobody was hurt."  

"I'd like to acknowledge the bar employee, who did everything right in what must have been a very distressing and stressful situation.  She followed instructions and took note of important details.”

Anyone with information which may help identify the offender is asked to contact Detective Steve Field on 06 213 9652. Information can also be provided anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


Released by the Police Media Centre