Saturday, 11 June 2016 - 2:01pm |

Police response to claims by Mr Franklyn Rose

1 min read

Statement to be attributed to Superintendent Bill Searle, District Commander, Waitemata Police.

Police strongly refute allegations by Mr Franklyn Rose that an assault on him in Auckland in 2012 was not investigated properly, and that the investigating officer ‘racially stereotyped’ him.

A full and thorough investigation was carried out into Mr Rose’s reported assault and amongst these enquiries, a number of statements were taken from several witnesses.

Mr Rose’s version of events was not able to be corroborated. Mr Rose was advised of the outcome of his case and thanked the investigating officer. At no point in time did he express any dissatisfaction with the way he was treated or the way his case was investigated. In fact, several weeks after he was advised of the outcome, Mr Rose extended an invitation to the investigating officer to bring other members of Police to attend a promotional event at a bar. This offer was not taken up by any member of Police.

Further, based on the fact that Mr Rose has himself placed this information in a public domain, Police can confirm that Mr Rose was the subject of a Police investigation earlier this year,  in relation to sexual assault. No charges were laid however in early April, officers from the NZ Police assisted with Mr Rose’s deportation back to Jamaica.

Matters of this nature are highly sensitive and anyone who comes to Police with a report of this nature can expect their case to be dealt with thoroughly and with discretion. Because of this we will not be drawn further on any other factors, including the circumstances.


Media please note, Police will not be giving any interviews in relation to this statement.