Have your say on the draft Victims Code
Have your say on the draft Victims Code
Victims are at the heart of Police’s work to prevent and respond to crime – now members of the public are being asked to make submissions on a document which sets out what victims can expect from government agencies.
The draft Victims Code aims to provide information on the rights of victims of crime, the services available to them from government and other organisations and government agencies' duties and responsibilities when dealing with victims.
It will support victims so they understand their rights under the Act. Police believes it may lead to an increase in public trust and confidence, encouraging more victims to report crime.
Part 1 of the draft code lists the key principles guiding the work done by providers of services to victims. Part 2 sets out victims’ legal rights in the criminal and youth justice systems.
The Ministry of Justice is seeking feedback on whether the wording of the Code is clear and easy to understand, and ideas about how it can best promote the Code to victims and the people and organisations that support them.
Information about how to respond and links to the draft Code can be found on the Ministry of Justice's website www.justice.govt.nz. Public consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 29 May 2015.