South Island Police Districts and NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) urge members of the public to take care on the road this Easter weekend.
The official Easter holiday period starts 4pm on Thursday 2 April and finishes at 6am on Tuesday 7 April 2015. Anybody exceeding the posted speed limit should expect to be stopped by Police and all drivers stopped can expect to be breath tested.
At Easter the volume of traffic on roads across the South Island increases as people take advantage of the last long weekend before the cold weather sets in. Police encourage those heading on holiday to make sure they are well rested and hydrated before setting off and to plan regular stops to avoid driver fatigue.
This may include a lot of towing vehicles and Police urge those slower drivers to pull over and let others pass when it’s safe to do so.
NZTA warn there will be a several unmanned work sites on the highway network throughout the South Island where motorists need to slow down and stay within posted speed limits.
Road Policing staff in Tasman, Canterbury and Southern Districts will be undertaking high visibility patrols targeting drivers whose behaviour puts other road users at risk. There will be a particular focus on speed, driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, seat belt use and driver distractions such as mobile phones.
Police are appealing to everyone who uses the roads to help keep them safe. This could be by stopping a friend or family member driving drunk or reporting unsafe or dangerous driving by calling *555.
Simple things you can do to reach your destination safely:
- Get plenty of rest before traveling will help you to remain alert and focused
- Plan your journey and make the journey part of the holiday
- Add extra time in your plan for delays due to the volume of traffic
- On long journeys share the driving
- Drive to the conditions and do not exceed the posted speed limit.
- Be mindful of your following distances
- Don't drink and drive.
The advice from Police around alcohol is simple - if you’re driving don’t drink and if you drink don’t drive.
Make sure Easter 2015 is one your family and friends remember for the right reasons.
Media enquiries to:
Tasman District - Barbara Dunn on 03 545 9843
Canterbury District - Lisa-Marie Brooks on 03 363 7815
Southern District - Nic Barkley on 03 471 4909