Commissioner Mike Bush today acknowledged Dr Apirana Mahuika for the significant work he has undertaken to ensure NZ Police upholds their commitment to Maori and the Treaty.
Commissioner Mike Bush said “It was a privilege to recognise Uncle Api for his contribution in guiding and strengthening NZ Police and our relationship with Iwi Maori.
He started the journey for our organisation and has continued to guide us through unchartered waters in the development of a world class model of partnership between Maori and Police working together for safer communities.”
In 1996, Dr Mahuika gifted a whakatauki which was designed to reflect the belief that together Maori offending and victimisation could be reduced. These words also recognised the immense amount of effort, courage, capability and leadership that was required to achieve this vision. These words were brought to life in the NZ Police tohu.
“Today, I presented Uncle Api with a greenstone carving of this whakatauki. And I was extremely honoured to represent NZ Police and past commissioners in thanking him for laying down the wero, sharing his knowledge and advancing our thinking when working with Iwi Maori” says Mr Bush.
“We currently have our first Maori Police Officer, Maori Responsiveness Advisor Whiti Timutimu, based within Te Runanga O Ngati Porou, an initiative Uncle Api was directly involved with. This has been and continues to be a great opportunity to work with Iwi, break down barriers and perceptions of how Police work and deliver real outcomes that mean something to the local people.”
This taonga was blessed by Bishop Kito Pikaahu at the Commissioner of Police – Maori Focus Forum this morning.
E tu ki te kei o te waka, kia pakia koe e nga ngaru o te wa – Stand at the stern of the canoe and feel the spray of the future biting at your face.
Issued by Mere Wilson Tuala-Fata, Senior Media Advisor, PNHQ.