Police has today opened an exciting new chapter that will deliver benefits for its staff and communities, with the opening of the National Command and Coordination Centre (NCCC).
Police Minister Hon. Anne Tolley and Commissioner Mike Bush today officially unveiled the NCCC at Police National Headquarters.
"The Prevention First deployment model which has been embedded into New Zealand Police over the past two years enables us to deliver greater benefits to our staff and communities, by ensuring we have the right staff, in the right place, at the right time, to prevent crime and crashes before they happen," Mr Bush says.
Mr Bush says the NCCC enhances Police's approach to "intelligence-informed policing", aligning with the introduction of District Command Centres (DCCs) in each of the 12 Police districts last year.
"The excellent work done by Police districts in setting up their own command centres has paved the way for creation of the NCCC, whose prime purpose is to support them in their work. Importantly, it provides our staff with instant, up to date information across the organisation that informs strategic decision-making and issues management in real time."
Mr Bush says the NCCC will access the same technologies as DCCs to provide an operational picture at national level. It will also provide critical command and control during national operations, such as a major sporting event or national emergency.
"As has happened in districts through the introduction of DCCs, the NCCC has already begun to change the way we do business for the better. That was demonstrated during the April Royal Tour and recent introduction of legislation banning synthetic cannabis, which provided excellent opportunities to test the NCCC and see firsthand some of the benefits it can deliver."
Contact: Ross Henderson, PNHQ Public Affairs, ph 04 470 7316 or 021 192 2919.