Police investigating the attempted abduction of a 13-year old Timaru girl at Washdyke on Tuesday have released a photograph of a person of interest in the enquiry.
He has been named as Blaine Ross Hughes, aged 20, of Washdyke. Detective Senior Sergeant Marion Neill says Police believe he has information that may assist Police in the enquiry.
Police say he may be driving a green Isuzu Bighorn, registration YA9089, which was reported stolen yesterday from a Washdyke address.
"This man may still be in the South Canterbury area, but he is also known to have associates in Christchurch and other parts of the South Island," Detective Senior Sergeant Marion Neill says.
"We are appealing for him to contact us, or for anyone who knows his whereabouts to pass that information on to Police."
He is described as a male Caucasian, of dark complexion, aged in his twenties, approximately 174cm (5ft 8in) tall, clean-shaven, with dark hair and of solid build.
He was reported to be wearing a cap, a white hoodie with a grey triangular pattern and maroon jeans.
Timaru Police are continuing to appeal for information from anyone who was in the vicinity of Sir Basil Arthur Park between 7.45 and 8.20 pm on Tuesday, or who has information regarding the incident.
Anyone with information is asked to contact Timaru Police on (03) 6879808.
Information can also be provided anonymously to the organisation Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.