Appeal for footage

Appeal for footage


The investigations team working on Operation Sabine, the homicide investigation in Nelson following the death of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming, ask that anyone with photos or footage of the incident, to please upload it here.


Tuesday, 10 September 2013 - 1:23pm |

Public trust and confidence in Waikato Police remains high

2 min read

Results from the latest Citizens Satisfaction Survey released today show trust and confidence in Police remains at a high and stable level in the Waikato according to the District's Police commander.

Superintendent Win van der Velde said 77% of people interviewed in the survey said they have full or quite a lot of trust and confidence in Police in the Waikato the same high level as the previous year, continuing an improving trend since 2008 when the level was 68%.

"The survey asked people their views about Police, their feelings of safety and what their service experience was like if they had recently had contact with our staff.

"For those who had interacted with Police recently, over satisfaction with service rose from 78% last year to 84% for the Fiscal Year 2012/13. In addition 86% of those interviewed expected good or very good service and 90% of those people had their expectations met or exceeded."

92% of people who had recently been in contact with Police believed they had been dealt with fairly while 93% of respondents believed Police staff they had dealt with were competent.

Mr van der Velde said the perception of safety held by residents in the Waikato has improved significantly with perceptions of safety in Hamilton or smaller town centres after dark rising from 54% last year to 59% this year.

"The public's perception of our responsiveness to the community remains high and stable at 80% in line with the national figure while ratings for our involvement in our communities rose from 70% to 73%.

"This involvement isn't limited to the vast array of interactive programmes Police staff are a part of in their day to day role but also indicative of our District being predominantly a rural one. Many of our staff are involved in communities in roles as varied as sports coaches or team members, volunteer for various organisations or sit on several boards of trustees at schools across the Waikato."

Mr van der Velde said while the survey shows that the people of the Waikato are satisfied with the service they get from their Police there is always room for improvement.

"The results show our staff are committed to the communities they serve and want to do the right thing to ensure the Waikato is a great place to live, visit and do business in."

Nationally, Police Commissioner Peter Marshall says the high level of trust and confidence enjoyed by New Zealand Police was never taken for granted and staff work hard to improve on it each year.

"Each year we strive to improve the service we give.  Police staff work incredibly hard every day to give the best, most consistent service to their communities and it is gratifying to have that work reflected in the survey results," he says.

More information about the survey including access to the full report can be found on the NZ
 Police website;
