Tuesday, 16 July 2013 - 4:20pm |

Police warn builders over security after thefts

3 min read

Police are again urging construction companies and tradespeople to bolster the security of building sites after a spate of thefts at the Pegasus subdivision over the weekend.

Sergeant Graeme Crosson of North Canterbury Police says 13 houses under construction on Infinity Drive were targeted by thieves who made off with copper piping and heat pump units.

Short lengths of copper pipe used for heat pump installations were stripped off the exterior of all 13 houses. Heat pump condensor (outdoor) units valued at around $2000 each were taken from three houses.

The thieves also gained entry to one of the units through a garage door and stripped an amount of copper piping from inside the house.

Sergeant Crosson says the amounts of copper pipe taken were small and not of particularly high value, but the thieves caused considerable damage to the exterior of some of the homes when removing the materials.

The properties were adjoining lots along both sides of the lane. They were not fenced.

The thefts occurred some time during the weekend, although some of the copper pipe appears to have been taken on Monday morning, between the time the site foreman discovered the thefts and Police attending.

Police are appealing for anyone with information about the thefts to contact them.

"It is likely that residents and visitors to the subdivision will have seen people in the area over the weekend," he says. "The offenders would have required a large vehicle or vehicles to transport the stolen items, and they may have looked like genuine tradespeople.

"We would ask anyone who has been in the area or seen any unusual activity around Infinity Drive over the weekend to contact us."

Sergeant Crosson also urged members of the public to report suspicious activity to police promptly. "If people see any criminal or suspicious activity, call 111 straight away. The sooner we know about it, the better chance we have of catching the offenders."

Meanwhile Police say the number of complaints over items being stolen from building sites is increasing as construction activity around the region gathers pace.

Detective Senior Sergeant Corrie Parnell of the Volume Crime unit says subdivisions in the Selwyn district and Wigram have also been targeted by thieves in recent months, along with individual building sites.

"We are seeing an increase in the thefts and burglaries from both residential and commercial building sites across the region," he says.

"In many cases these will be opportunistic crimes, but there's also the possibility of well-organised thieves deliberately targeting construction projects."

Items taken include household fittings and appliances, metal, tools and vehicles.

Police are urging builders, project managers and contractors to take steps to reduce the opportunity for offenders to target construction sites.

"Security around construction sites is essential. Fencing acts as a deterrent but good locks are important.

"Builders and project managers should also carefully manage the timings of deliveries of materials to the building site, particularly when the premises under construction are not yet at the lockup stage.

"Whiteware, insulation and tools are particularly vulnerable if left in plain view on an unsecured building site.

"Vehicles and heavy equipment may also be targeted, so it is important that equipment is removed from the site, particularly at weekends. At a minimum, make sure keys are removed and vehicles locked."

Anyone with information about the thefts at Pegasus is asked to contact Rangiora police on (03) 3136167. Alternatively, to provide information anonymously contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.