Police accept Operation 8 IPCA report (video)
Police accept Operation 8 IPCA report (video)
Police have accepted the findings of the IPCA report into Operation 8 and have already made significant changes to address many of the issues canvassed in the report. While it is critical of some Police actions, the report says the investigation was "reasonable and necessary" and also lays to rest some myths that have become accepted as fact.
Commissioner Peter Marshall says he accepts the Authority's commentary in relation to the Ruatoki and Taneatua roadblocks and five of the 41 property searches and acknowledges that Police underestimated the focus on Ruatoki and Tuhoe that subsequently emerged. He says police officers acted in good faith. They invoked statutory powers to carry out their actions, which were later found not to meet the legal threshold. View the Police media release.
View the full version of Mr Marshall's video statement (10 mins 53 secs).