04 June 2011
While thankful a change in the weather and large scale media coverage of the risks appear to have Waikato motorists driving carefully this holiday weekend recidivist drink drivers and a lack of attention by some is still causing concern.
Waikato Road Policing Manager, Inspector Leo Tooman said two drivers have been charged for breath alcohol test results exceeding 1000mgms which is concerning given, the legal adult alcohol limit is 400.
"In the latest incident a driver blew 1002mgms in Ngaruawahia shortly after 8pm yesterday and has been charged with third or subsequent excess breath alcohol and this follows on from a driver stopped around 2.15am yesterday who also blew over 1000mgms.
"These recidivist drunk drivers cause us a great deal of anxiety given the larger traffic flows over the holiday weekend heightening the risks they pose not only to themselves but to other motorists."
Waikato Police have attended eight vehicle crashes since the official holiday period began yesterday and again driver inattention is at the forefront.
"We've had a woman's car hit a power-pole on Peacocks Rd at 5.30am today while another woman's car hit a traffic island and went through a fence on Hamilton's Rifle Range Rd at 2.50am.
"In the most concerning incident it appears the driver of a Subaru has got out of his car and assaulted the elderly driver of a Toyota before fleeing the scene following a collision on Cobham Dr about 9.30am."
Mr Tooman said Police hoped the continuing rain will slow drivers down and ensure they pay attention on the roads.
"After a terrible week on Waikato roads the challenge is there for all of us to ensure a safe holiday weekend, those who don't can expect a heightened Police presence on the road will mean they face the consequences."