Police are urging email users to stop and think before sending on hoax emails.
The advice follows yet more urban 'myths' or legends that are currently doing the rounds -this time the topics are child car seats left on roads and windscreens splattered with eggs.
The messages have been adapted from the following website: http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/crime/a/eggs_windshield_crime_alert.htm
Inspector Carey Griffiths, Community Policing Manager, Police National Headquarters, encourages people to take a common sense approach when they receive strangely worded or sensationalist emails in their in-box.
"These emails are often designed to create unnecessary concern and they waste a lot of people's time," he said. "There are websites dedicated to hoax or urban legend emails.
For some sound crime prevention advice, check the New Zealand Police website www.police.govt.nz. The Ministry of Consumer Affairs also has information about scams, along with the Netsafe site The ORB.
"Do yourself and your email in-box a favour - avoid passing on dodgy emails."
Released by
Kaye Calder
Senior Media Adviser: district liaison
Public Affairs: Police National HQ
Tel: 04 460 2986