Thursday, 28 February 2008 - 7:53am |
National News

Theft of Commonwealth Games Gold medal

1 min read

28 February 2008

Police are following strong leads in the hunt for thieves who stole a high profile Waikato sportswoman' Commonwealth Games gold medal.

Magic and Silver Ferns star Laura Langman was devastated to return home on Tuesday to find her Tamahere home had been burgled.

Amongst an abundance of items taken were Miss Langman's Commonwealth Games Netball Gold Medal won in the 2006 Melbourne games and her Netball World Champs Silver Medal from 2007.

"There was an awful lot taken but to me the things I want back the most are those medals," said Miss Langman.

Senior Sergeant Tim Anderson of Hamilton Police said officers investigating the break-in don't believe thieves specifically targeted the sporting awards.

"Their was an abundance of items stolen including jewellery, sports gear and her flatmates laptop computer, we believe the medals were stolen by people who may have very little knowledge of what they have taken.

"We are hoping the high level of public revulsion shown over the recent theft of the military medals will be mirrored here by the people of the Waikato and pressure will be applied for the medals return."

Police hold concerns that once the thief or thieves realise what they have in their possession they may find the medals too hot to handle and dump them.

"We would ask that those responsible or anyone who knows the whereabouts of these medals contact the Police, confidentially if necessary and arrange for their safe recovery," said Mr Anderson.

People can contact Police on 07 858 6200 or use the confidential crimeline, 0800 Busthem (08002878436).