The young man killed in Herne Bay's Hamilton Rd shortly after midnight this morning was 17 year-old Auckland Grammar student Augustine Akateuroa Borrell [pron. bor-rell] of Papatoetoe.
Police investigating his death say he died after being stabbed in the chest. A weapon has been recovered from Hamilton Rd near where Augustine died.
Officers are currently speaking with people who hosted and who attended a party in Hamilton Rd which was shut down at about midnight. At this stage it's estimated that between 30 and 40 young people were at the party which was disturbed by a group of young men shortly before midnight.
Detective Senior Sergeant Steve Breach said early reports from witnesses of the stabbing say there was a group of young Polynesian men in the area making trouble which prompted the party hosts to close it down.
"It would appear that Augustine has somehow come into fatal contact with this group once he and his friends left the party," Mr Breach.
"I've heard nothing yet to indicate why he was stabbed. It certainly seems at this stage that he was an innocent 17 year-old going about his lawful business.
"We've got a lot of work to do and we're very keen to hear from anyone who has information about people in the area between 11.30pm and 1am who may be able to progress the investigation.
"If anyone has taken photos on their mobile 'phones of people who might be able to assist us, we'd be happy to hear from them."
Issued by Noreen Hegarty
Auckland City Police Communications Manager
Ph 09 302 6947 or 0274-951-589