Newmarket Police have been heartened by last Wednesday's find of 42 of the 400 bronze commemorative plaques stolen from the Purewa Cemetery in Meadowbank last month.
Sergeant Phil Richardson of the Newmarket Police said the 42 plaques had been hidden in a bag under the chapel at the cemetery.
"Builders renovating the chapel discovered the plaques and passed them on to cemetery management who advised us of the find," Mr Richardson said.
"Relevant next of kin are in the process of being contacted and, while it's heartening that some of the 400 stolen plaques have been found, we'd still like to hear from anyone who knows anything about the whereabouts of the remaining 350 or so."
The plaques were stolen from a commemorative wall at the Purewa Cemetery in Meadowbank between 4.30pm on Friday March 16 and 9am Saturday March 17.
Police are urging anyone who deals in scrap metal who is approached with an offer of cheap bronze, to contact them as soon possible. The plaques were valued at about $300,000. Information or inquiries should go to Sergeant Philip Richardson at Newmarket Police Station on 529 5657.
Issued by Noreen Hegarty
Auckland City Police Communications Manager
Ph 09 302 6947 or 0274-951-589