Thursday, 8 February 2007 - 10:33am |
National News

Phase one consultation on Police Act Review concludes

1 min read

More than 230 submissions have been received at the end of phase one consultation on the review of the 1958 Police Act.

The submissions are in response to a series of eight discussion papers produced in 2006 to stimulate thinking about some of the key issues affecting policing in New Zealand.

Submissions closed on 31 January 2007.

"We've received submissions from the general public, police staff, and private and public sector agencies," says Superintendent Hamish McCardle, the officer leading the review of the Police Act.

"We are now compiling all the responses and will publish the analysis of submissions in March.

Superintendent McCardle says the next phase of the review will see the mid-2007 release of a consultation document entitled 'Policing Directions in New Zealand for the 21st Century'.

"This document will provide another opportunity for New Zealanders to have a say on the future of the Police Act.

"It's our hope many New Zealanders will contribute to this process as it's a rare opportunity to have input into the future legislative basis for policing."


For further information contact Hamish McCardle ph (021) 483 467.