The International Firearms Safety Seminar which will be held in Christchurch next February is "absolutely on target" according to Inspector Joe Green, convenor of the organising committee.
"We are getting interest from all corners of the World including such places as Nepal, Finland and the Pacific Forum States". Mr Green said "a number of highly qualified professionals will be making presentations on all matters relevant to firearms safety. This is a very important event and as far as we can determine no such event has been held previously with such a focus on safety".
"New Zealand has a high per capita ratio of firearms ownership and very proud record in firearm safety matters. This international seminar will bring together specialists from a number of countries and give all of us the opportunity to see how others deal with firearm safety issues. That will be beneficial for all."
The Seminar will also incorporate a number of workshops on firearms safety matters as well as ‘hands on’ sessions for Pacific Island representatives who are attending. Workshops address safe firearms handling, storage, and maintenance procedures.
The seminar is being jointly organised by the NZ Police, the NZ Mountain Safety Council, and the NZ Council of Licensed Firearms Owners Inc., Support is coming from the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia, and NZ Aid is funding representatives from Pacific Island States.