A constable who swam a gorge river 18 times in the dark to rescue a group of stranded youngsters has been praised for her exceptional and potentially life-saving effort.
Police padded up this month for a special cricket game with Christchurch’s Muslim community to remember the victims of the March 15 terror attacks.
When bush fires threatened to disrupt a fund-raising mega-run, police were on hand to ensure the effort stayed on track.
Lewis Matthews arrived in New Zealand on 3 January to...More
Police staff were visible and highly engaged when Auckland’s Rainbow community partied at the Big Gay Out last weekend (9 February).
The event in Coyle Park, Pt Chevalier, was a whānau-...More
Each new Police wing includes constables who are continuing a family tradition. But not many of those traditions extend back to the dawn of modern policing.
A self-described 'jolly joy germ', Central Communications Centre communicator Rachel Wards is full of the excitement of synthetic wigs rather than the initial horror...More