Appeal for footage

Appeal for footage


The investigations team working on Operation Sabine, the homicide investigation in Nelson following the death of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming, ask that anyone with photos or footage of the incident, to please upload it here.


Monday, 22 August 2022 - 11:59am

Te Pae Oranga comes to Napier

1 min read

News article photos (1 items)

TPO panel members, L-R: Sergeant James Waapu, Sahn Whiunui, Maureen Ager, Amy Patena, George Edwards & Sergeant Jon-Paul Tremain

History was made in a quaint little whare in Napier this month.

The supported resolution programme, Te Pae Oranga (TPO) held its first panel in Napier at Te Whare Pukenga o Oranga in Maraenui.

The programme has been operating successfully in Hastings for four years and up until last week Napier participants had to make the journey to Hastings to attend a panel. But the hard work and determination of those involved has seen it finally up and running in Napier.

Hawke’s Bay Supported Resolutions Coordinator Sergeant James Waapu, along with iwi organisation Te Taiwhenua o Heretuanga has been working to set up the Napier panel for some time, and with Sergeant Jon-Paul Tremain coming on board as an additional Supported Resolutions Coordinator in Hawke’s Bay, the time was right to launch it.

TPO is going from strength to strength in Hawke’s Bay, doubling its referrals last year to 337, well up on its contracted amount of 200.

James says it’s fantastic to see TPO finally operating in Napier.

“The fact participants no longer have to travel to Hastings for their TPO panel makes a huge difference. It makes TPO more accessible for people,” says James.

Sahn Whiunui spent time on TPO panels in Hastings and is now trained as a facilitator. He will lead the TPO panels in Ahuriri (Napier) alongside Sergeant Jon Paul Tremain, George Edwards, who is the facilitator for Heretaunga (Hastings), Maureen Ager and Amy Patena.

Sahn says he has had his own challenges through life and loves the kaupapa of Te Pae Oranga and the opportunity to help whānau.