As part of Samoan language week, Senior Constable Su’a Fa’amaulalo Petero Sagato talks to us about the origins of his weekly Samoa Capital Radio slot and keeping communities informed. Scroll down or click here for the English translation.
E fa’atasi i le vaiaso ona malaga atu le ali’I leoleo o Su’a Fa’amaulalo Petero Sagato i se nofoaga sa avea muamua ma a’oga amata, i le ‘a’ai o Porirua ile laumua o Ueligitone.
O le nofoaga lenei i Mungavin Avenue i Porirua o le ofisa fou lenei o le leitio o le “Si’ufofoga o le Laumua” po’o le Samoa Capital Radio, i le laumua i Ueligitone, talu mai le tausaga na te’a nei. Ae sa fa’asalalau mai le leitio i se nofoaga i totonu o le taulaga o Ueligitone i le tele o tausaga i tua atu.
O Su’a e fa’asalalau lana polokalame o ”Le Tulafono” mo le itula, i vaiaso ta’itasi I luga o le leitio o le “Si’ufofoga O Le Laumua “ i le gagana Samoa. Na amata lenei auaunaga mai le tauaga e 2003.
O S’ua na ola mai i Samoa, ma o lona atamai fa’alegaluega i le tele o tausaga o galue I le matagaluega a Leoleo i Niu Sila, ua mafai ai ona ia talanoa ma faufautua I tagata Pasifika i mataupu eseese ma tulafono olo’o a’afia ai le mamalu o tagata pasifika , i le gagana Samoa. Ua tele ina fa’atuatuaina e tagata fautuaga a Su’a i le tele o tausaga.
“E lagona le agaga fiafia ona o le lagolago mai a o’u ta’ita’i i le fa’aavanoaina lea o taimi ou te fa’atino ma fa’aauau ai le polokalame.”
“Matou te fa’afetaia le pule sili o le leitio, “Si’ufofoga O Le Laumua”, Afioga Afamasaga Tealu Moresi, mo le fa’aavanoaina o taimi e tele e fa’atino ai lenei polokalame a le ofisa o Leoleo o le malo. O avanoa nei e le’o fa’atupeina ae ua mafai ai ona momoli atu fe’au taua ma taulogologo ile tele o mata’upu esese olo’o a’afia ai o matou tagata I la latou lava gagana.
Na amata mai lenei auaunaga ina ua a’e se tofa i le Afioga To’omata Apineru Fiso, a’o avea ia ma pule sili iI mata’upu tau pasefika i totonu o le ofisa o Leoleo i Aaotearoa, e fa’aauau se polokalame e pei o se auauanaga na amataina e se tasi fo’I o ali’I leoleo su’esu’e mai le tausaga e 1992. O le Tofa lea ia Tafa Max To’o a’o galue ai o ia i le matagaluega, se’ia o’o ina malolo litaea ile 1995.
I le amataga sa va’ava’alua Su’a ma le Afioga Toleafoa Seti Tanuvasa, o se tamali’I fo’I sa galue i totonu o le matagaluega a Leoleo I Ueligitone. O le afioga a Toleafoa e lava fo’I lona tomai I galuega a Leoleo i le itu tau seleni.
Sa fa’afaigofie ona taliaina e tagata Pasifika le polokalame ma le fe’au taumolimoli ona o i la’ua e tau’aveina suafa matai.
Sa fa’aalia e Su’a, “O le vaitaimi tonu lea sa le fa’atuatuaina ma fenumia’I ai lagona o tagata Pasifika e uiga ile latou so’otaga ma le va ma Leoleo. Sa iai masalosaloga ile fa’atinoina o galuega a Leoleo.”
Su'a withSamoa Capital
Radio CEO AfiogaAfamasaga
Sa mafua nei lagona ona o le le fa’amalamalamaina atili o tulafono a Niu Sila, o le mafua’aga e ala ai ona fa’atino galuega a Leoleo, ma o latou aia tatau pe’a iai se fa’asea I auaunaga a le matagaluega.”
Talu ai ona o lea ua fa’asalalau atu I le facebook po’o api o foliga, le polokalame, o lea ua taumafai lava Su’a e ofu le togiga a le ofisa o Leoleo i taimi uma e fa’atino ai le polokalame. E taua tele le silasila a le atunu’u i foliga va’aia.
E taumafai pea Su’a e fa’aauau le polokalame i ona aso e malolo ai, ma taimi e le’o faigaluega ai ona o le naunau ia aua ne’i motusia le so’otaga ma o tatou tagata aemaise I le tatou lava gagana. O lea e taumafai ai e aumai ni isi leoleo e fesoasoani e fa’aauau le polokalame.
Ta’ua e le Afioga Afamasaga Tealu Moresi, o le polokalame i vaiaso ta’itasi a leoleo ua sili ona aoga ma talitonuina e tagata Pasifika.
O le tele o ripoti a Su’a e talanoa ai i mata’upu I le va o ulugali’I, afaina I le ava malosi, fautuaga e ala i femalagaina I va’alele, faigafaiva e aofia ai le aofaiga o paua e fa’atagaina mole tagata e to’atasi, faatasi ai ma le tele o ni isi mata’upu e a’afia ai tagata Pasifika. O le tele o ni isi mata’upu e le patino I Leoleo ma la latou galuega.
O le isi vaega e le’o silafia e tagata lautele, o le polokalame ua mafai ona fa’asalalauina atu i ni isi atunu’u e pei o Ausetalia, Amerika ma Siamani e ala i fa’asalalauga tu’u sa’o I le facebook po’o api o foliga.
Ta’ua e le ali’I leoleo satini o Franz Fleischanderl, o lo’o ile tofiga o le fautua mo tagata pasifika, ole polokalame olo’o fa’afoeina e Su’a, e ta’u mai ai le tele o tausaga o galue Su’a mo tagata pasifika a’o le’i fa’avaeina le tofiga fa’apitoa lea ua ia tau’aveina nei.
“O tausaga ua tuana’I sa ia fesoasoani ai ma fautua i leoleo talavaou mai le Pasifika ina ua fa’ato’a ulufale mai I le matagaluega, fa’apea I latou fa’ato’a avea Ueligitone ma o latou aiga.”
“I le vaitaimi o le Koviti 19, sa fa’aauau pea le galuega taulogologo a Su’a I luga o lana polokame I le leitio o le “Si’ufofoga O Le Laumua.”
Ta’ua e le ali’I satini, e tele le sao o Su’a ile taimi na tapunia fa’amalosi ai le atunu’u I le 2020, i le fa’amanatu ma fautua le atunu’u, e tusa ma le galuega olo’o feagai ma Leoleo.
“Sa mafai ona ou fa’asoa atu fa’amatalaga e uiga i tulaga mata ala o le Koviti19 mo le fa’aliliuina I le gagana Samoa I se taimi pu’upu’u. O nei uma fa’amatalaga sa fa’asalalau atu e Su’a e ala i le leitio.”
“Oute matua talitonu o lona siufofoga ma le taliaina gofie e tagata Pasifika o le fe’au taua, sa leai ai se isi mai le Pasifika na a’afia i le taimi o le fa’ama’I, I Ueligitone. “
Matou te talosia ia maua ni isi leoleo e talanoa I le gagana Samoa e mafai ona latou fa’aauauina le polokalame i le lumana’i.
Fa'afofoga mai pea i le polokalama a Leoleo - keep listening to the PoIice programme!
- O le polokalame a Su’a e fa’asalalauina I le Aso Tofi, 11am -12pm. Fa’asalalau i luga o le leitio “Si’ufofoga O le Laumua” i Ueligitone. 106.1FM. Taimi fa’asalalau o le “Siufofoga o le Laumua”. Aso Gafua I le Aso Tofi, 7 i le taeao i le 1 i le aoauli ( 7am to 1 pm). Aso Faraile, 7 i le taeao i le 5 i le afiafi. ( 7am to 5 pm).
- O lo’o iai fo’i i Aukilani le polokalame a Leoleo i le gagana Samoa e tauala mai lea i le Leitio Samoa 1593AM. O lenei polokalame olo’o fa’atautaia e le ali’I leoleo le tofa Tumanuvao Siona Siti ASH SHEW, le ali’I satini le tofa Tuipalusami Esau Uiese, fa’apea le tofa Seumanu Francis Ioane. Olo’o fa’asalalau fo’I i luga o le api o foliga, facebook, ma le Youtube
Once a week, Senior Constable Su’a Fa’amaulalo Petero Sagato leaves work at Wellington International Airport to drive to a former pre-school building in Porirua.
The site in Mungavin Avenue is the home of Samoa Capital Radio - which until last year was based at Rostrevor House in Wellington city - and Su’a has had an hour-long weekly guest spot for his Samoan language broadcasts since 2003.
With the knowledge and experience that comes from being a Samoan-born officer with 40 years-plus service, Su’a – known to his workmates as Pete - talks about Police and general matters of concern or interest to Pasifika communities. His has become a trusted voice over the years.
“I’m lucky,” he says. “My supervisor allows me to do the show during work hours, and also on days off, or when I’m working a late shift.
“We thank Samoa Capital Radio CEO Afioga Afamasaga Tealu Moresi that Police can do this show for free. We’re getting messages out to the community directly for free and that’s priceless.”
It began when Su’a was approached by then-Manager of Pacific Affairs Inspector To’omata Api Fiso to do a pilot programme. Detective Tafa Max To’o had a similar show from 1992 until his retirement in 1995.
Initially, Su’a co-hosted the programme with former Police employee Tole’afoa Seti Tanuvasa, who was then working in Accounts.
He says as they both held Samoan High Chief titles, the community was more accepting of them and the messages they delivered.
“At the time, there was a lot of mistrust and misunderstanding of Police from Pacific communities,” says Su’a.
Su'a withSamoa Capital
Radio CEO AfiogaAfamasaga
“We found this mistrust was caused mainly by not understanding New Zealand laws, the work involved in policing and the reasons we do what we do.”
Su’a wears Police uniform during recording. “Because of the programme now being broadcast live on Facebook, it’s good to look professional,” he says.
“On the days that I’m away or not available, the radio will replay some of the previous programmes they have recorded so it’s okay when I’m on leave.
“However it would be good to train up some new language speakers to take over some day. It may save me getting phone calls out of work hours!”
Afioga Afamasaga Tealu Moresi says the weekly sessions from Police have passed informative and trustworthy advice to Pacific communities.
“Su’a covers family harm, alcohol impairment, advice on airline travel, fishing quotas – like how many paua they’re allowed - and a variety of matters that affect our Pacific communities,” he says. “So not all matters are Police-related, it would be fair to say.
“What many don’t realise is that the radio programme has international reach. I know of people from Australia, USA and Germany who tune into his show on the Facebook livestream.”
Sergeant Franz Fleischanderl, Wellington District Pacific Liaison Coordinator, says Pete’s radio presence reflects his work as a de facto Pacific liaison officer, long before it became a recognised role.
“In his own time, he did great work in the pastoral care of young Pasifika constables coming through the ranks and those moving to Wellington and not having any connections here,” he says.
“He supported new officers as they came to grips with the stresses of the job.”
During the pandemic and lockdown, says Franz, Pete’s broadcasts helped keep COVID-19 in check.
“Su’a’s contribution during the various lockdowns in 2020 was invaluable to the Wellington Samoan and wider Pasifika community,” he says.
“I was able to pass on important information about the alert levels to him and he translated into Samoan at short notice to get the message out over the radio.
“I have no doubt his trusted voice across the airwaves contributed to there being no community transmission in Greater Wellington Pacific communities during that time.
“We hope to engage more Samoan-speaking police officers who may like to learn from Su’a and take some time to volunteer on the program also.”
Fa'afofoga mai pea i le polokalama a Leoleo - keep listening to the Police programme!
- Su’a’s programme runs most Thursdays from 11-12 noon. Samoa Capital Radio Wellington broadcasts on Access Radio 106.1 FM – 7am-1pm Mon-Thur, 7am-5pm Fridays. You can find them on Facebook live as Samoa Capital Radio.
- In Auckland there is a weekly Samoan-language talkback radio programme on Radio Samoa, hosted by Seumanu Francis, with Auckland City District Pacific Coordinator Constable Siona Ah-Shew as a regular guest. Radio Samoa broadcasts on 1593AM, on Facebook live and YouTube as Radio Samoa.