If the new Tairāwhiti Area Commander needed proof of the support for his appointment he didn't have to look far at his pōwhiri in Tolaga Bay last week.
Inspector Danny Kirk received a warm welcome on to Te Rawheoro Marae in Uawa with a powerful haka and wero from around 70 local rangitahi on a hot East Coast day.
Danny is a local – born and bred in Gisborne. He’s been a police officer for 17 years and has spent his entire policing career so far in the Eastern District.
He has policed in Wairoa and Gisborne on the frontline and as a detective and, more recently, he has overseen our rural stations across Tairāwhiti.
Danny told the more than 150 whānau, friends, work colleagues and community gathered that a few short years ago he would never have seen command of a policing area in his future. But says every leadership position he has held has taught him something new.
“My time working and living in Wairoa taught me that the reasons people come into contact with Police, whether they be victims or perpetrators of crime, can be deeply complex and not quite as simple as the less-learned version of me once thought."
Danny said his time as the Senior Sergeant for rural policing is where his passion for people leadership was born.
"Leadership in rural policing highlighted that we cannot police in isolation. Strong and genuine partnerships with iwi, hapu and the community at large are paramount."
He added that for him, as Area Commander it is important that police are visible and engaged in their communities.
“Keeping people safe is our core business and we will be focused on doing the basics well. That is where public trust and confidence in our organisation has its genesis.”
Eastern District Area Commander Superintendent Jeanette Park told the gathering that the Eastern team is very proud to have appointed a people-focused ‘local’ with strong operational and investigative experience to the role.
“Anyone who knows Danny, knows he exudes enthusiasm and energy, which are traits that will be extremely useful in his role as Area Commander.
"He really cares and I know he will be true to himself and look after Tairāwhiti.”
Danny told the gathering he had come into contact with almost all of them as they share a common purpose in the work they do.