Friday, 26 November 2021 - 1:07pm |

Work underway on new Cambridge Police base

7 min read

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The concept drawing of the new Cambridge base

Work has begun on the new Cambridge Police base.

The earthworks have now been completed on the joint Tainui and NZ Police project, and construction is expected to be completed by mid-2022.

“While there have been some initial delays due to COVID-19 restrictions, it’s exciting to see the process has started,” says Waikato West Area Commander Inspector Will Loughrin.

The new base will provide a modern-fit-for-purpose and functional policing space for Waikato Police staff while incorporating co-location spaces for community groups and local iwi to help foster relationships.

In August 2020, NZ Police and Tainui Group Holdings (TGH) signed a partnership agreement to support the build of modern, sustainable, community-minded Police facilities across Waikato.

The base is the first to be developed under the partnership agreement. With the lease on the current police station due to expire, the new station will provide a future-proof and fit-for-purpose space for Police that is easily accessible to the community.

The whenua is owned by TGH and was returned to the iwi (Waikato-Tainui) in 1995 as part of its Raupatu settlement.

The 416sqm site is situated on the corner of Fort and Victoria Street- the site of the previous police house, allowing for public access and street presence.

“The location is located centrally and within easy access to the main town centre and suburban Cambridge, which ensures our response to calls for service is timely and delivers the service our community expects,” says Inspector Loughrin.

The proposed design has a distinctive, community-friendly design based on a waka ama (double-hulled canoe) and will incorporate many elements reflecting the local environment and community, including visual elements of significance to Waikato-Tainui and use of the region’s Hinuera stonework.

TGH CEO, Chris Joblin, says the company is pleased to partner with NZ Police to develop a police base, which has cultural history, and community engagement and inclusion as core design principles.

“We are building a facility that moves away from the traditional institutional look and feel to one that welcomes and embraces the community in a setting that acknowledges the local area, its tangata whenua origins and the town’s unique architectural characteristics,” says Mr Joblin.

“As an iwi organisation sustainability is important to us and that’s why we’ve looked to recycle materials from the original buildings where possible, including repurposing timber for carving, gifting wood to kaumaatua, and incorporating bricks and timber into the new building.”

Te Reo Māori 

Kua tīmata te hanganga o te Papa Taunga Pirihimana hou o Kemureti

Kua tīmata te hanganga o te Papa Taunga Pirihimana hou o Kemureti.

Kua tutuki ngā mahi whenua mō te kaupapa taihonoa a Tainui me Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa, ā, tōna tikanga kua otite hanganga I te weheruatanga o te 2022.

Hei tā te Toihau Kaimātātaki o Waikato ki te Uru, a Will Loughrin, “ahakoa ngā takaroatanga nā ngā herenga o KOWHEORI-19, e hīkaka ana ki te kite i te tīmatanga o te hātepe hanganga.

He papa whai tikanga pirihimana te papa hou mō ngā kaimahi Pirihimana o Waikato me te whai wāhi mā ngā rōpū hapori me ngā iwi o reira ki te tautoko i te whakatītina o ngā hononga.

I te Akuhata 2020, i waitohua e Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa me Tainui Group Holdings (TGH) tētahi kirimana rangapū ki te tautoko i te hanganga o ngā wāhi Pirihimana hou, e toitū ana, e whai whakaaro ana ki te hapori hoki puta noa i a Waikato.

Ko te taunga papa te hanganga tuatahi ka whakawhanaketia i raro i te kirimana rangapū. Ākuanei mōnehu ai te rīhi mō te teihana pirihimana, ka whāngaihia te teihana hou i tētahi wairua karioi, whai tikanga anō hoki mō ngā Pirihimana e taea ai e te hapori te tomo atu.

Nō TGH te whenua, ā, i whakahokia atu ki te iwi (Waikato-Tainui) i te tau 1995 mō tō rātou whakataunga Raupatu.

Ka noho te papa e 416 mita pūrua ki te kokonga o te tiriti o Fort me Victoria, ko te wāhi o te whare pirihimana o mua, e āhei ai te tomonga o te marea, me tōna kanohi kitea.

Hei tā Kaimātātaki Loughrin, “kei waengapū te tauwāhi, e māmā ai te tomonga ki te poka pū o te taone matua me ngā tapa taone o Kemureti, e whakakoia ai tā mātou whakautu ki ngā karanga me te ratonga e wawe ai, e whāngai ai i ngā ratonga e hiahiatia ana e te hapori.”

Ko te tauira kua hāngaia he motuhake, he momo whakahoahoa ā-hapori e hāngai pū ana ki tētahi waka ama, ā, ka komokomotia te tini o ngā āhuatanga e whai whakaaro ana ki te taiao me te hapori, ehara tonu ko ngā tohu whakahirahira o Waikato-Tainui me te mahi Hineura i te rohe.

Hei tā Chris Joblin, te tumu whakarae o TGH, e harikoa ana te kamupene kia mahi tahi me Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa ki te whakawhanake i tētahi papa taunga pirihimana, e whai whakapapa ā-ahurea, te whai pānga, te whai wāhi hoki o te hapori hei mātāpono hangaga matua.

Hei tā Joblin “kei te hanga mātou i tētahi whare ehara tōna āhua i te tawhito, he whare kē e pōhiri ana i te hapori e mihi ana ki te rohe, te orokohanga mai o te tangata whenua, me ngā motuhaketanga o tā te tāone āhuatanga hoahoa anō hoki.”

“Nā te mea he tōpūtanga iwi mātou, he mea nui te toitū, ā, koinā te take kei te whakaarohia ngā rawa hangarua nō ngā whare taketake mēnā ka taea, ehara tonu ko te whai aronga hou ngā rākau mo te mahi whakairo, takoha o ngā rākau ki ngā kaumātua, me te whai wāhi o ngā pereki me ngā rākau ki te whare hou.”

Te Reo Māori – Tainui dialect 

Kua tīmata te hanganga o te Papa Taunga Pirihimana hou o Kemureti

Kua tīmata te hanganga o te Papa Taunga Pirihimana hou o Kemureti.

Kua tutuki ngā mahi whenua mō te kaupapa taihonoa a Tainui me Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa, ā, tōna tikanga kua orite hanganga i te weheruatanga o te 2022.

Hei tā te Toihau Kaimātātaki o Waikato ki te Uru, a Will Loughrin, “ahakoa ngā takaroatanga nā ngā herenga o KOWHEORI-19, e hīkaka ana kia kite i te tīmatanga o te hātepe hanganga.

He papa whai tikanga pirihimana te papa hou mō ngā kaimahi Pirihimana o Waikato me te whai wāhi mā ngā rōpū hapori me ngā iwi o reira ki te tautoko i te whakatītina o ngā hononga.

I te Akuhata 2020, i waitohua e Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa me Tainui Group Holdings (TGH) tētahi kirimana rangapū ki te tautoko i te hanganga o ngā wāhi Pirihimana hou, e toitū ana, e whai whakaaro ana ki te hapori hoki puta noa i a Waikato.

Ko te taunga papa te hanganga tuatahi ka whakatupuhia i raro i te kirimana rangapū. Ākuanei mōnehu ai te rīhi mō te teihana pirihimana, ka whāngaihia te teihana hou i tētehi wairua karioi, whai tikanga anō hoki mō ngā Pirihimana e taea ai e te hapori te tomo atu.

Nō TGH te whenua, ā, i whakahokia atu ki te iwi (Waikato-Tainui) i te tau 1995 mō tō rātou whakataunga Raupatu.

Ka noho te papa e 416 mita pūrua ki te kokonga o te tiriti o Fort me Victoria, ko te wāhi o te whare pirihimana o mua, e āhei ai te tomonga o te marea, me tōna kanohi kitea.

Hei tā Kaimātātaki Loughrin, “kei waengapū te tauwāhi, e māmā ai te tomonga ki te poka pū o te taone matua me ngā tapa taone o Kemureti, e whakakoia ai tā mātou whakautu ki ngā karanga me te ratonga e wawe ai, e whāngai ai i ngā ratonga e hiahiatia ana e te hapori.”

Ko te tauira kua hāngaia he motuhake, he momo whakahoahoa ā-hapori e hāngai pū ana ki tētehi waka ama, ā, ka komokomotia te tini o ngā āhuatanga e whai whakaaro ana ki te taiao me te hapori, ehara tonu ko ngā tohu whakahirahira o Waikato-Tainui me te mahi Hinuera i te rohe.

Hei tā Chris Joblin, te tumu whakarae o TGH, e harikoa ana te kamupene kia mahi tahi me Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa ki te whakatupu i tētehi papa taunga pirihimana, e whai whakapapa ā-ahurea, te whai pānga, te whai wāhi hoki o te hapori hei mātāpono hangaga matua.

Hei tā Joblin “kei te hanga mātou i tētehi whare ehara tōna āhua i te tawhito, he whare kē e pōwhiri ana i te hapori e mihi ana ki te rohe, te orokohanga mai o te tangata whenua, me ngā motuhaketanga o tā te tāone āhuatanga hoahoa anō hoki.”

“Nā te mea he tōpūtanga iwi mātou, he mea nui te toitū, ā, koinā te take kei te whakaarohia ngā rawa hangarua nō ngā whare taketake mēnā ka taea, ehara tonu ko te whai aronga hou ngā rākau mo te mahi whakairo, takoha o ngā rākau ki ngā kaumātua, me te whai wāhi o ngā pereki me ngā rākau ki te whare hou.”


Issued by Police Media Centre

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The concept drawing of the new Cambridge base
The concept drawing of the new Cambridge base PNG - 2MB