Hei āpōpō ka whakapōtaetia te rāngai 350 ki Te Kāreti o Te Karauna mō Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa
Kua kopoua e 80 ngā pirihimana o te rāngai 350 ki Te Kāreti mō Ngā Pirihimana ki Porirua, ā, ka tū te whakapōtaetanga āpōpō, hei te Rāpare 3 Pepuere. Ka tae ā-tinana a Minita Poto Williams rātou ko te kairangi o te rāngai a Tākuta Yvonne Crichton-Hill, ko te Kōmihana a Andrew Coster ki te whakapōtaetanga, tērā ka pāohotia ki ngā whānau, ngā hoa anō hoki.
Ka tohua ngā mema rāngai ki ngā rohe Pirihimana katoa i Aotearoa. He rōpū kanorau ēnei tāngata, ētahi kua mahi hei kaimātai pūnaha arahau, hei kaitunu pōhā, hei mātanga kaiwhutupōro rīki, hei kaitauwhiro rangatahi anō hoki. Kei te nuingā o te rāngai ā rātou tohu paetahi, tohu pōkairua, tohu mahi ā-rehe anō hoki.
Kua rongonui te kairangi o te rāngai a Tākuta Yvonne Crichton-Hill mō āna mahi tauwhiro, āna mahi rangahau tūkino whānau anō hoki. Ko te nuinga o āna mahi hei pūkenga matua mō ngā mahi tauwhiro, hei pou o te tari ki Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha, ka arotahi tana rangahau ki ngā mahi tūkino ā-hoa moe, ā-whānau anō hoki, ā, ka whakatōmenengia hoki ngā tikanga tauwhiro ā-ahurea me te arotahi ki ngā hapori o Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa.
E tautoko ana ia i Ngā Pirihimana hei kaitohutohu ki te Kōmihana mō āna mahi ki te wānanga ā-motu o ngā kaitohutohu o Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, tērā e arataki ana i tā Ngā Pirihimana rautaki ā-motu mō ngā tāngata o Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa.
Ngā Whakawhiwhinga
Ko tā te minita tohu whakamana i te tino tauira - Pirihimana Taylor Barker, Te Rohe o Te Waitematā
Ko tā te kairangi tohu whakamana i te tino tauira tuarua - Pirihimana Mandy Lardenoye, Te Rohe o Te Waitematā
Ko tā te Kōmihana tohu mō te kaiārahitanga - Pirihimana Savali Maelega Lilo, Te Rohe o Te Tāone o Tāmaki Makaurau
Ko tā te tohu whakapakari tinana me te tātai whakangungu - Pirihimana Michael Wallace, Te Rohe o Waikato
Ko tā te tohu whakapakari kaitaraiwa me te whakaharatau mahi Pirihimana ā-rori; te tohu pū - Pirihimana Jackson Sinclair, Te Rohe o Waikato
Te Hunga Ka Tohungia
Ka whakaehu te rāngai ki ngā rohe e whai ake nei, ā, ka tīmata ngā mahi hei te 14 o Pepuere.
Te Hiku-o-te-ika - 1, Waitematā - 14, Te Rohe o Manukau - 12, Waikato - 6, Te Waiariki - 6, Te Rāwhiti - 4, ki Waengapū - 4, Te Whanganui-a-Tara - 8, Tāhimana - 1, Waitaha - 7, Te Tai Tonga - 3
Ngā Tatauranga a Te Rāngai
Wahine 36.3%; Tāne 63.8%; Pākehā 56.3%; Māori 20%; Ngā Tāngata o Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa 12.5%; Āhia 10% me ngā tauiwi 1.3%.
HE PĀNUI KI TE HUNGA PĀPĀHO: Nā ngā herenga o te KOWHEORI, kua whakakorengia te hunga pāpāho kia tae ā-tinana āpōpō ki te whakapōtaetanga. Tēnā koa, whakapā atu ki media@police.govt.nz mō ngā pakirehua e hāngai ana ki te whakapōtaetanga.
Ka whakaputaina tētahi makahīni Tekau Tahi e pā ana ki te whakapōtaetanga, me ngā whakaahua, ki te pae tukutuku a Ngā Pirihimana.
Wing 350 to graduate at the Royal New Zealand Police College tomorrow
Eighty new constables of Wing 350 have been attested at the Police College in Porirua and their graduation ceremony will be held tomorrow Thursday 3 February.
Police Minister Poto Williams, Wing Patron Dr Yvonne Crichton-Hill, and Commissioner Andrew Coster will attend the graduation ceremony, which will be livestreamed to family and friends.
The wing members will be deployed to every Police district in New Zealand. They are a diverse group of people who have worked in roles such as a respiratory physiologist, a pastry chef, a professional rugby league player and a youth social worker. Many in the wing have degrees, diplomas and trade qualifications.
Wing Patron Dr Yvonne Crichton-Hill is highly regarded for her social work and family harm research and expertise. As a senior lecturer in social work and head of department at the University of Canterbury, her research focuses on intimate partner violence and family violence, and she also explores culturally responsive social work practice with a focus on Pacific communities.
She supports Police as an advisor to Commissioner Coster on his National Pacific Advisory Forum, which guides Police’s Pasifika national strategy.
Minister’s Award recognising top student – Constable Taylor Barker, Waitematā District
Patron’s Award for Second in Wing, recognising second top student – Constable Mandy Lardenoye, Waitematā District
Commissioner’s Award for Leadership – Constable Savali Maelega Lilo, Auckland City District
Physical Training and Defensive Tactics Award – Constable Michael Wallace, Waikato District
Driver Training and Road Policing Practice Award; and Firearms Award – Constable Jackson Sinclair, Waikato District
The wing is being dispersed to districts as follows, starting duty on 14 February.
Northland – 1, Waitematā – 14, Auckland City – 14, Counties Manukau – 12, Waikato – 6, Bay of Plenty – 6, Eastern – 4, Central – 4, Wellington – 8, Tasman – 1, Canterbury – 7, Southern – 3
Wing demographics
Female 36.3%; male 63.8%; NZ European 56.3%; Māori 20%; Pacific 12.5%; Asian 10% and LAAM 1.3%.
NOTE TO MEDIA: Unfortunately Media will not be able to attend the ceremony tomorrow due to COVID restrictions. Please contact media@police.govt.nz for any queries in relation to this graduation.
A Ten One Magazine story about the graduation, with photos, will be published on the Police website.