Whanganui Police have launched a search for a 46-year-old man after he was last seen swimming in the Whanganui River today.
Police were notified of the man’s disappearance at about 2pm at Mosquito Point — a popular swimming location about 5 kilometres north of Whanganui.
“The man was intending to swim across the river to the opposite bank and jump off a nearby cliff. Family and friends saw him swim toward the opposite bank but then lost sight of him,” says Sergeant Colin Wright.
They swam across shortly after but couldn't locate him. The river at this point is approximately 50 metres across.
“Whanganui Coast Guard launched their boat and carried out a shore line and river search. A helicopter has also been used to search from the air and police patrols carried out searches of the river banks on both sides of the river.
“We have grave concerns for his well-being and we are speaking with the man’s family and friends.
“The search has been stood down for this evening but the Police Dive Squad has been contacted and it is anticipated they will conduct a search of the river over the weekend,” says Sergeant Wright.
Any updates on the search will be made via a media release.