The investigation into the circumstances around a man who fell into a storm-water drain this morning in Hillcrest is ongoing.
The 64 year-old man remains in hospital in a stable condition.
The drain is actually the Hillcrest Creek, which runs between a number of residential properties in the Hillcrest area. There is currently very little water in the creek and work has been underway to widen the creek to prevent flooding.
The injured man has been involved in an ongoing dispute in relation to this work and Police have been called to the area several times over the past few weeks.
Several contractors and a security guard were onsite this morning.
The injured man threw a number of items, including a piece of wood, in the direction of the workers in the drain area. A security guard attempted to intervene and move the man away, but both men fell and the injured man went off the bank into the creek bed.
The incident was witnessed by several contractors and was filmed on a cellphone. Police have taken statements from the security guard and the other witnesses, who are co-operating fully with Police.
Contrary to some media queries, the contractors who were onsite this morning were not in the process of removing any Kauri trees.
The investigation is ongoing and Police are not able to make any comment at this stage about whether any parties will be charged.
Media please note Police will not be doing any interviews on this investigation whilst enquiries are underway.
Beth Bates/Waitemata Police