Wednesday, 16 August 2017 - 1:05pm |
Bay of Plenty

Update – Kaimanawa Forest search

1 min read

Please attribute to Bay of Plenty Operations Manager, Inspector Kevin Taylor

The Army will today assist the Police co-ordinated search for two men lost in rugged bush in Tongariro National Park.

About a dozen Army personnel from Waiouru will join fresh and existing Police and volunteer search teams, on the fringe of Kaimanawa Forest.

The search is concentrated in a three square kilometre area, close to the Pillars of Hercules.

Yesterday’s discovery of items possibly belonging to the pair – including a plastic water bottle and shoes – helped Police to focus on a particular area.

The men were last seen on Saturday night. As more time passes, our hopes of finding them fade.

Police continue to liaise with the families of the pair and we are doing all we can to find the men.

Due to the weather, a helicopter is unable to join today’s search.


Police Media Centre