A large truck towing two trailers has rear-ended a stationary parked truck on SH6, Tahunanui, Nelson this morning at around 4.20am.
The single occupant driver has been extracted by Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) and taken to hospital. There is no current status update for the driver.
The stationary truck was parked up and loaded with batteries for scrap. The contents of this truck, batteries and acid, have spilled all over the road and the road is blocked.
There are diversions in place while SH6, between Tahunanui Drive and Green Street, is cleared by FENZ.
The Police Commercial Vehicle Safety Team are investigating.
Motorists are asked to use the diversions in place, however trucks over 50 tonnes are asked to delay their journey if possible as the diversion route is not suitable for large trucks.
Issued by Police Media Centre