Monday, 28 January 2019 - 3:06pm |
Auckland City

Safety first in the water

2 min read

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Safety first in the water

Think safety before you use your 'water toys' - that's the plea from Auckland Maritime Police after an increase of people getting into difficulty in the water.

Maritime Police have rescued a number of people who have headed out on stand-up paddleboards, inflatable boats, kayaks and other self-propelled water toys this summer.

Sergeant Garry Larsen says a lack of training in using these types of equipment and changeable weather conditions can leave people at significant risk.

"Boating, kayaking, swimming, diving and other water related activities are part of the New Zealand lifestyle but it's imperative that people respect the water, and be more safety aware before they hit the sea .”

A recent incident that could have had a far worse outcome involved two inexperienced kayakers who were rescued after five hours at sea.

They were caught in an offshore breeze and outgoing tide.

After losing their paddle the couple floated 10 nautical miles from their starting point before being spotted by helicopter and rescued by the Police Maritime Unit.

There has also been an increase in incidents involving inflatable toys.

“Recently Maritime Police rescued nine young children who were on a large inflatable toy swan,” says Sergeant Larsen.

“They were unsure of the area of water and got caught in the strong current and were not able to make it to shore.

"We want people to have fun but we don't want them to become drowning victims."


Please enjoy our beautiful beaches but keep yourselves safe.

·          Swim between the flags.

·          If you are going out on a self-propelled water craft or toy please consider the wind direction. 

·          Know whether the tide is coming in or going out.

·          Make sure someone on shore can alert authorities if you get into trouble.

·          Wear a personal flotation device.

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Safety first in the water
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