Friday, 15 January 2016 - 8:54am |
National News

Road safety is everyone’s responsibility says NZ Police

1 min read

With 16 road deaths to date already in 2016, NZ Police are urging motorists to take care and make smart decisions to ensure they are driving responsibly.

“Education and Police enforcement are just two aspects of keeping the roads safe,” says Superintendent Stephen Greally, National Manager of Road Policing.

“The driver and the decisions they make are also an important part of the road safety picture.”

“As the driver of the vehicle you are responsible for making smart decisions that enable those in the car with you, and other road users, get to their destination unharmed.”

“This means if you are tired, make the right decision to pull over safely and take a break. Concentrating on the road does take a lot of effort. Don’t underestimate the impact this has on your ability to concentrate and to react in an emergency. By taking a break, you can come back onto the road refreshed and give the road your full concentration, which it needs.”

“Drivers need to remember that not all roads are created equal - many of New Zealand’s roads are unforgiving and leave no room for mistakes,” says Mr Greally.

“Check your speed, and know that the speed limit is the maximum speed you can travel at safely in ideal conditions.”

“The decisions you make as the driver could be the difference between a great summer and one marred with the pain and devastation a fatal crash causes," Mr Greally says.


Media Contact: Rachel Purdom, or 021 908 101.