Friday, 10 September 2021 - 4:37pm |
National News

A reminder and a thank you from Police heading into the weekend

2 min read

Attributable to Commissioner of Police Andrew Coster:

With Tāmaki Makaurau entering its fourth weekend at Alert Level 4, and the first weekend at Alert Level 2 for others, Police are asking people to keep doing the right thing.

If we all stick to the health restrictions and advice, the sooner we will be stepping down the levels overall.

For those people in Alert Level 4, a huge thank you for your efforts.

We know the restrictions can be challenging, but they are having an impact.

And this weekend, those in Alert Level 2 will be able to see more friends and family, and socialise - safely - for the first time in several weeks.

Remember that record-keeping is mandatory for most businesses and services, as is wearing a face-covering at venues and when you cannot socially distance. Further guidance on Alert Level 2 is available here

Please help all of us stay safe by adhering to these restrictions.

Thank you also to those Police staff heading to Waikato from around the country, to relieve our Tāmaki Makaurau-based staff on the border checkpoints.

This means those local staff can now continue reassurance patrols and calls for service in Alert Level 4 areas.

A message also to those in Alert Level 2 considering heading out onto the water this weekend.

The greater Auckland region is still under Alert Level 4, and as such has restrictions in place for recreational fishing and boating.

While those restrictions are in place, you should not be in the waters around Tāmaki Makaurau or Aotea Great Barrier.

We ask that you please enjoy fishing and boating under Alert Level 2 outside of this area.

Any emergencies in the waters surrounding Auckland and Aotea Great Barrier will mean emergency services working in Alert Level 4 will have to respond.

Auckland border checkpoints

In the period from midnight 6th September to 11.59pm 9th September, 58,122 vehicles were stopped at the checkpoints.

Of those, 554 vehicles have been turned around, which is less than 1 percent of vehicle traffic during this period.

168 vehicles were turned around at the northern checkpoints and 386 vehicles were turned around at the southern checkpoints.

Tāmaki Makaurau compliance

Since Alert Level 4 came into place, in Tāmaki Makaurau 57 people have been charged with a total of 61 offences as at 5pm yesterday (9 September 2021).

Of these, 48 are for Failing to Comply with Order (COVID-19), 10 for Failure to Comply with Direction/Prohibition/Restriction, one with Failing to Stop (Covid 19-related), and two for Assaults/Threatens/Hinders/Obstructs Enforcement Officer.

In the same time period, 136 people were formally warned for a range of offences.

To date, Police have now received a total of 7,158 105-online breach notifications from people in Tāmaki Makaurau.

Around a third are in relation to businesses and 60 percent are in relation to mass gatherings.

Alert Level 2 compliance

Since Alert Level 2 came into place throughout the rest of the country there have been four infringements issued, as at 5pm yesterday (9 September 2021).

Figures for Alert Level 2 are now being reported weekly, so will not be available daily.


Issued by the Police Media Centre