CAVEAT: These figures have been produced from data recorded for operational purposes rather than statistical purposes. They have not undergone the usual quality assurance processes applied to official statistics published by Police. Caution should therefore be observed when making any inferences from these figures.
Data sourced from 1 Jan 2017 – 19 April 2017
Please attribute to Prevention Manager Superintendent Eric Tibbott
It may be the most stolen car in Canterbury, but it’s not the most stolen vehicle type in the country.
The country’s car thieves in the last four months, have chosen Subaru to steal and it’s a close call between the Subaru Legacy and the Impreza when it comes to Subaru thefts.
Nationally, the figures for the Subaru are higher, with it being the most stolen vehicle for the following Police Districts from January to April: Northland, Auckland, Counties Manukau, Bay of Plenty, Eastern, Central, Wellington and Tasman.
It’s only Canterbury seeing a rise in thefts of the Demio. Waitemata and Waikato report the Mazda Familia as being the most widely stolen vehicle.
Southern region record that the Holden is their most stolen vehicle for 2017 from 1st January till 19th April 2017.
“It’s worth noting also that the cars on this list are quite common cars in New Zealand – therefore it is expected that the frequency would be higher but not necessarily the proportion of all that are available in New Zealand. We all have a part to play in preventing crimes like car theft,” says Superintendent Tibbott – for example, by securing our own property, looking out for neighbours, and keeping an eye out for suspicious activity in our communities.
Car owners can help themselves by locking their cars and taking keys with them, he stresses.
Police investigate a wide range and types of crimes and we police based on our resources.
When people call in an offence like car theft or unlawfully interfering with vehicles, where the offender is still present, the response is immediate. We are committed to dedicating staff and technology to prevention and investigation.
“People if they can, should try and thwart thieves by protecting their vehicles with anti-theft devices, and or by parking cars in garages or carports.
It’s also wise to install alarms and try and keep valuables out of vehicles if at all possible, he says.”
See more details on our website about how you can keep your vehicle from being stolen:
Issued by Police Media Centre
NB Media to note - Superintendent Tibbott has limited availability for comment today and tomorrow.