Palmerston North Police are seeking to identify the man pictured, in relation to damage at the Regent Theatre on Broadway Avenue.
Police were called to the theatre at around 1.20am on Saturday 29 May, and discovered that a toilet area in the building had sustained superficial damage, likely caused by an accelerant.
Indications are that the area was damaged at around 12.50am.
The man pictured was seen walking through Regent Arcade towards King Street, before walking into the Regent Theatre.
Police believe he may be able to assist with our enquiries.
If you are able to help us identify this man, or you have any other information which may be relevant to our enquiries, please get in touch via 105 and quote file number 210529/5028.
Information can also be provided anonymously via Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.
Issued by Police Media Centre