Sunday, 29 January 2017 - 10:18pm |

Police pleased with vast majority of fans at Sevens

1 min read

Please attribute to Inspector Terry Van Dillen.

Police are commending the overwhelming majority of people for their behaviour while attending the Sevens rugby tournament in Wellington.

The event attracted a total of approximately 18,000 fans over the weekend.

Overall, Police are generally pleased with the conduct of those who attended.

One person was arrested for trespass on Saturday for refusing to leave while intoxicated. On Sunday one person was arrested for disorder on the walkway to the stadium.

Security staff at the Westpac Stadium ejected or turned away a total of 55 people over both days.

Police were fully resourced and prepared to monitor and prevent any poor behaviour and take any necessary action to avoid anyone spoiling what was a fun, family event for many.


Police Media Centre