Attribute to Inspector Mark Fergus, Waitematā Police:
Police are reassuring west Auckland communities affected by flooding overnight on Monday that they are there to help.
Our staff will continue to be present across affected areas to ensure the security of residential and commercial property, as well as providing reassurance to the community.
We would like to acknowledge members of our community, many of whom have had to be evacuated or have had damage to their property, who have looked out for each other or worked to help others in need.
Police have been present across impacted areas since the early hours of Tuesday. Police have assisted other agencies in evacuating people that needed to leave their homes.
Anyone who feels unsafe or needs to report an emergency should call 111.
Police are continuing to work closely with Auckland Emergency Management as well as other agencies and organisations involved in the response to this incident.
Anyone who needs additional support or information can contact Auckland Emergency Management on 0800 22 22 00.
Jarred Williamson/NZ Police